Your Blog Posts


27 September 2016 09:20

Here’s a few things I hear fairly regularly;

Tax doesn't have to be taxing

07 September 2016 15:49

Do you remember that advert, with Moira Stewart, assuring us about how easy it was to complete a self-assessment tax return?


17 December 2015 11:22

If you’re self-employed, like me, or even if you represent a business, you’ve probably been to several networking events.

Are you exhibiting yourself correctly?

I’ve been in business just over 2 years now and I have been to several business Expos and exhibitions. Most of these have been as a delegate but a couple have been where I’ve had a stand. I have noticed a few things along the way too.

How can I improve my business?

09 October 2015 14:29

On a recent train journey to watch a cricket match, I took some time out to think about my business and plan how I could improve it. I was planning a destination.

Hidden costs

30 September 2015 15:53

If you're thinking of starting a business or you have recently set one up, beware of the hidden costs, particularly if you are employing people or you own or rent office space.

And what do you do?

22 July 2015 17:33

The $64,000 dollar question, and one that I ask quite a lot whenever I go to networking events.

How much?!

30 June 2015 14:56

At the risk of sounding obsessive about coffee, how much of a £2.20 cup of high-street coffee is the cost of just the coffee?

Are you listening?

18 June 2015 11:37

Are you listening?
Not just hearing but actively listening?

Sole Trader or Limited Company?

Whether you are thinking about starting your own business or already have one, you may well have to make a decision whether to be self-employed or set up a Limited Company. Here's a few things to consider.

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