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Shelfield Vets4Pets, Walsall

I had cause to take my 23 year old cat to the vet. Who should I go to They were fantastic - helpful, kind and sympathetic to me an OAP with a potential cash flow problem looming - one vet said if you can't pay it all up front we won't see you). Anyway they were great and very supportive. What really touched me was that 3 weeks ago I stopped when the car in front of me ran over a cat. He telephone his wife who rang the vet and the Vet herself was there within 5 minutes. The time of the accident was surgery time but this vet's attitude was to help an animal in distress rather than say I am too busy or who is going to pay for this unknown cat. So three cheers for this vet and her entire surgery staff - all of whom are really fantastic and give 100% all the time

Shelfield Vets4Pets, Walsall

Incredibly caring and helpful, thankyou.