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Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

My two sons have only recently started having tuition, 4 visits approx. so i didn't feel i i would write a fair and informed review. However, when putting the boys to bed last night my 8 year old son said "Do you know mum, i love algebra, the lady we had was so nice mum, do you know she doesn't say; " No you got it wrong," she says i think we have got in a muddle" they don't say that at school mum, then we did it together, oh and she has a really big smile mom". I have tried to support my boys at home and have tried other kinds of tuition, but honestly: they like going and enjoy their homework too. Yes a thumbs up . They both usually have a male tutor who they like too, my 10 year old particularly (has a female teacher at school!)