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Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Provides first class tuition. We originally started for a SATS boost but three year later we are storming towards GCSE Level 8s and 9s. My daughter would attend every night if she could, she loves the challenge in the friendly non threatening atmosphere

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Another fantastic year. My daughter is now in top sets at school and continues to get pushed to the next level at Tuition. She recently had a change in tutor as she had to change nights but the progress still continues. I would recommend their Maths and Science tutors as they are very knowledgeable and child friendly in their methods.

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Have recently come back to the centre after having a year off. They completed another free assessment because these guys want to make sure every session makes a difference. My child feels completely at ease and enjoys learning. 5 stars.

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Been using the centre since September after having it recommended to me and even though my daughter attends on a Friday evening she is still enthusiastic to go and comes back with a smile on her face knowing she has learnt something new.