Your Reviews
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Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Been using the centre for two years, the feedback is amazing . Each week we are told how things are developing towards the goal of grammar school and are always up to date with latest results. 3 months until the big test and we are all very confident .

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

The eleven plus masterclasses are great. Attended two on Tuesday and feel so much more knowledgeable about requirements. My child is doing another two today and woke up this morning saying they can't wait to go in.

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

My son recently sat one of the grammar school mock tests. Great price, precise feedback and plenty of advice.

Aldridge Premier Tuition Ltd, Walsall

Used the tuition centre to help prepare my daughter for her grammar school test. The tutors are very careful to cover all areas and ensure they leave no stone unturned . She attended three of the exam practice days which were fantastic preparation. Can't thank the centre enough and look forward to getting her results