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Hydesville Tower School, Walsall

Hydesville Tower has been a really great start for my son, who started Nursery in September 2018. It was a big step for my son as he had never attended any nurseries prior to Hydesville due to his health. After major bowel surgery in July 2018, we were nervous about such a big change in his life. I found all the Nursery staff to be extremely kind, considerate and well informed. They really helped to bridge the transition of separation, into a new environment. He thoroughly enjoys his time there, and I think as a parent, we all want to be kept well informed about how our child is doing. The school has a good balance of learning while play, and the structured day has a positive effect on my son's routine. The information flow between parent and school is good too, I can actually see what he's been doing in the week through the newsletters. Really have been most impressed with Hydesville Tower and my son's progress so far!