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The Circle Studios, Brighton and Hove

The Circle is local, friendly and affordable. As it is 5 mins walk from my home I get to attend classes nearly every week day, my exercise done and dusted within an hour and half! This means I go often and with none of the guilt that I cannot afford the time or money. They have also committed to a 'price for life' membership which means mine will never increase. Staff are helpful, friendly and caring and the coffee is good too! It really is the best thing around and my health and wellbeing has improved since I started being a regular, in March 2017.

The Circle Studios, Brighton and Hove

I joined The Circle when my gym had closed its pool for refurbishment. Being a swimmer I was reluctant to do this, but since discovering Yoga, Body Balance and Yoga Flow via the great instructors at the Circle, I feel stronger, fitter and much more happier! It is a really friendly gym, non-competitive and everyone there is very welcoming. And as it is a ten minute walk from my house I can be there and back in just over an hour. A really welcome addition to the growing Portslade improvements. Thank you The Circle!