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The Circle Studios, Brighton and Hove

I have only recently started meditating and felt that I was not really getting in to the present moment meditative state. A friend who lives near to The Circle recommended trying the Tempo Kido Meditation sessions they offer. I live in East Kent, so the 1 hour 40 minute journey each way to Portslade and back was quite a commitment. However as it turned out it was well worth the time investment. As a new customer I was given a full tour of the premises as part of a general induction. The facilities are impressive and the staff very helpful. I found the meditation session most rewarding. The instructor took the group through a very well thought out progression of exercises that are designed to prepare the body for the final full meditation part of the session. It worked for me and I dropped fully into the zone and experienced the desired meditative state. The session was excellent value for the very reasonable charge and well worth the time investment! I will be returning for further sessions.