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New Tech is developing a New Language…

Are you one of the businesses contributing to the new language of tech? Cooden Tax Consulting looks at this in more detail.

The new language of the technological age

Is your business in the technology industry? Cooden Tax Consulting are talking about the fundamentals of FinTech.

What costs can I include in my R&D Tax Relief claim?

When it comes to making a claim what can you include when it comes to Reseach and Development Tex Relief?

How much could my R&D Tax Relief claim be?

Does your business carry our research and development? Cooden Consulting can help you find out how much you could be claiming.

Flower Power People cotton on to the opportunity for R&D Tax Relief

If your business is blooming and you are investing in R&D, you need to be speaking with Cooden Tax Consulting.

Could your Eastbourne business claim from £3k to £300k?

Not all businesses know about the amount of money they could be claiming when it comes to Research and Development Tax Credits in Eastbourne, East Sussex and across the UK!

Sussex Coastal towns – a hotbed of Tech & Creative businesses

How can Research & Development Tax Relief help these thriving local companies?

Ask anything about Research and Development Tax Relief

Are you 100% certain you can not claim Research and Development Tax Credits then you do not need to ask the expert! If you are not sure, there is potential value in 10 minutes with us at #AskTheExpert in Eastbourne.

Welcome Tax Relief is an incentive for Brewers of Craft Beers

A welcome tax relief for brewers of craft beers across the UK. Read more to find out the full story from Cooden Tax Consulting.

7 Reasons why you should #BeLikeRandy for R&D Tax Credits

Have you grown tired of the Be Like Bill craze? There is a solution thanks to Cooden Tax Consulting with the Be Like R and D y!

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