Paradise Wildlife Park

4.6/5 based on 7651 reviews
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.We arrived here on a Sunday morning late last year.We managed to get parked as it was completely empty.After parting with 68 pounds for 4 adults,my 2 daughters are 18 and 19,(OUCH!)we walked to the cafe and had soft drinks/tea and cakes which is where i always get the feeling of being ripped off.This came to nearly 20 quid.Ten minutes in and nearly a hundred pounds lighter we walked the perimeter of the park seeing various big cats,getting very close to them too,we then jumped onto the tractor which took us a fair way around before stopping at the birds of paradise enclosure which was my favourite part.This had various owls and emus etc,so i spent half an hour in here.From memory this place has many "join in"type activities which like the park in Hayle,Cornwall,is a great way for kids to interact with the animals.After passing goats and guinea pigs as well as alligators and many reptiles ,we proceeded to the cafe for a drink before walking out through the woodland walk situated near to the shop/cafe.The day itself is as good a day as you make it although i prefer Hayle.I understand the park has large overheads but the paying customer should not be dishing out nearly 70 pounds for a family day out.Very enjoyable.
We bought some vouchers through Groupon and I tell you it was well worth it! We had to get there early and were with a group of other people. The park was so quiet at the time we went it was perfect...we got to see all the animals without the hustle and bustle of having to peer over people's shoulders!...getting to see the snow leopard so close was breath taking as was seeing the Tigers. Part of our package was to take part in the cleaning of a section of the zoo which was very interesting as we had to clean the pig housing!! was such a laugh and great fun!! We also had an educational talk about creepy crawlies and were given the chance to handle Spiders and other reptiles...only if you wanted to!! There are all sorts of animals/reptiles and birds so something for everyone. We thoroughly enjoyed our day and since then have bought vouchers again as gifts as this park is well worth a visit.
We went to this park as part of a group of couples with young kids and used GROUPON half price coupon to get in the park at an awsome rate of £15 only (for the 2 adults, kid went for free). What thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of animals here specially the lions, our daughter had an awsome time here. They have couple of eat-in places in the facility as well which were decent. Highly recommeded for couples with young kids.
I love animals and I thought this zoo was awesome for the amount of animals that they had, and you can also feed a selected few.
We stayed in the park overnight we got a deal for £140 which was well worth the money however I think the day tickets are overpriced. Also to stay overnight at the normal price is ridiculous. We did get a lot for our money... Entry, guaranteed parking, food bags to feed the animals, train ride, 18 hole mini golf,breakfast over looking the tiger and a 1hr guided tour and to hold some animals.
The staff we met were lovely the owner even came to say hello at breakfast. We stupidly forgot our toothpaste and the director brought us some from her home which was really nice of her.
The enclosures are small as people said before but you wouldn't be able to get up close and personal with the animals if they wasn't how they are.
Overall it was a brilliant trip and I have recommended it to many people who have all come back saying they enjoyed them selves.
Right from the word go our children were absorbed and we were impressed. The Park had a very welcoming atmosphere - the owners Rachael and Peter made themselves known to us and other guests. They seemed proud of what they do and the staff around them friendly and knowledgeable. My girls were able to get close to the larger animals and the high walks gave them excellent views. They were able to get close, stroke and hold the smaller animals - absolute joy for them and the staff seemed keen to pass on educational information that our elder 2 lapped up. In addition to the animals there were ample other attractions - a train, slides, swings and play areas that gave our girls s great and varied day out. Fantastic.
I purchased a 2 for 1 ticket on Groupon for Paradise Wildlife Park and my boyfriend & I went for Valentines Day. Although we had an enjoyable day out, I would not have paid the original entry fee as I feel it is quite steep. There was a wide range of big cats (which I love) and hearing the white lions roar was amazing! There weren't too many staff around when we were then but we did get to see one keeper feeding the lions. Tiger Treetops cafe was in a prime location, although some of there prices were quite high. The weather wasn't great and a downpour of rain made us cut our visit short, but we did have good time for the hours we were there.
I read through the reviews before visiting - I'm glad I ignored a lot of the reviews. Yes the park is small but there are so many other activities to be doing, on one side the park there is a large playground for the kids to enjoy and on the other side are the animals and crazy golf.. The animals look extremely well looked after and the enclosures are large. A lot of the enclosures have walkways above so you are able to see more of the animals. We spent about an hour and a half slowly walking round and looking at all the different animals, they decided to have a game of crazy golf - £2.00 per person, a real deal!
I would definitely return to the park, but maybe when the weather warms up.
This is a small zoo and as such, they are doing what they can to bring in the people and the business and even though we were there on a rainy, gloomy day, it was a wonderful experience. My husband had purchased the "Meet the Meerkats" for me for Christmas and it was wonderfully fantastic. I got to go into the small meerkat cage and sit in the corner while Bluebell's group (they are matriarchal) climbed all over me to get in the bowl, tap me on the face, see if I was eating anything, let me pet them, and made themselves very endearing and engaging. The keeper sat in the corner opposite me and continued to tell me everything I ever wanted to know about meerkats and about this group which consisted of Bluebell, Leo (the only male) Picasso (a tubby little meerkat) and Captain. In doing this experience, which they also do with lemurs, red pandas, the animals are still wild but used to people and makes it so much easier for the keepers to watch and monitor their health without stressing them. It was just great. I want to go back and do the lemurs next and then the red pandas, and then feed the lions and tickle the tapirs as well. There is a wonderful play area for children too which we didn't use but it was a great day.
I was also quite shocked to read some of the reviews. Having visited several times before (not during school holidays) we have found the Park extremely good value. It was well worth seeing the new lion cub, having previously fed the white lions for a birthday treat, I felt privileged to see the cub quite clearly. The keepers were very helpful and informative, especially about the big cats. We have never spent so much time there before, leaving just before closing time for a change, didn't even see everything! Can't wait to return even though it is a good hour's drive away from home (not including traffic jams/road works)! Each time we go there is more to see, very impressed with the changes also. It is wonderful that Paradise are involved with conservation of animals.
We purchased tickets for the Paradise Wildlife Park on Groupon, and didn't really know what to expect. What a pleasant surprise we had to find a small, but well cared for collection of animals. You will not find a place to get closer to these beautiful animals. It was also wonderful to find several keepers around the enclosures. They told us all about the animals, and took time to answer any questions we had. My children loved the animals, as well as the many play areas. We had lunch in a cafe that has an indoor soft play area as well. We have been to many zoos, including, San Diego, Houston, and London. This was our favorite because of how close you feel to the animals.

My only advice would be to try to go off-peak. I can see how this place would get absolutely packed during summer and school holidays.

Right now they have a newborn lion cub. How often do you get to something like that?!
Having enjoyed such a wonderful day out at Paradise, I was shocked to read peoples comments on this website regarding the animals and their enclosures. I wish people would just talk to the lovely, caring keepers in this park and get a true picture of how well these animals are looked after. There are signs explaining how rare animals such as the white lions are, and how much the park spends each day making sure they receive the best care. None of these animals look malnourished, none of them have tell-tale "bald" patches (where animals in captivity under emotional stress will gnaw at their fur) they are just spoilt, cared for and well looked after. That's all I shall say on that!

As for the park itself, it is definitely worth a full day of anyones time. Definitely going to suit smaller children, me and my partner took our 4 year old and he loved the adventure playgrounds and the train ride etc just as much as seeing the animals. We arrived around midday, and left around 5, and think we got to see everything. There are specified times when the keepers will hold talks or feed certain animals, and these are well worth looking out for. The facilities were great, toilets were a little basic but very clean, and we found the cafe and food provided to be fine. Nothing amazing, but lets face it you're not there to stuff your face all day, and if you did want to take a packup there are benches you can use.

The drive in was no problem, the surrounding countryside is beautiful and our Sat Nav had no problem finding the park. I would highly recommend!
We were given a christmas gift of a tiger tour and brunch, which also included free entry to the park for the rest of the day. For those less fortunate the entry fee for adults ranges from £14 to £17 according to time of year and £9 to £14 for children. Booking online in advance does give a slight discount of £2 p.p. The Park was well signposted off the motorway and from the hotel we stayed in nearby. There is plenty of car parking space on site. Families are very well catered for with several adventure playgrounds for the children. We really enjoyed our day there and were impressed with the viewing platforms built near the animal enclosures which enabled good viewing and photograph opportunities. There a several feeding times listed when talks are given and the animals can be seen close-up. A stall sells food which can be give to certain animals not on special diets and both adults and children clearly enjoyed the experience! There are picnic areas and even on a cool March day people were 'eating out'. However for the less hardy souls there are a few indoor alternatives. All in all a very good day out.
Today me abs my partner decided to visit this park after purchasing a 2 for 1 entry ticket from groupon.The park is catered towards families with kids aged 2-6 ideally,however the range of animals they have at this park is amazing.There is not a huge range like no elephants giraffes etc but they have some really rare big cats such as white lions (who have just had cubs 6 weeks ago!),white tigers,snow leopards,cheetahs and normal tigers and lions plus penguins,zebras,wolves,birds,reptiles,farm animals etc.This is a lovely place to visit for a good few hours and is farely quiet.I would recommend keeping a eye out on groupon where you can get 2 for 1 entry tickets.
Though the site is aimed at kids, my husband and I had a fantastic time there. We went off-season at the beginning of March so the park was not full and we had great opportunity to photograph the animals without getting in the way! We'd also organised a "monkey tour" where we were taken around the monkey exhibits and given some "behind-the-scenes" information. Our guide, Aaron, is a member of the family that owns the zoo and gave us a real insight in to how it was founded and the ethos behind what they do. The tour was fascinating and moved me to tears when I realised the state of the zoo when the family purchased it. We really enjoyed it though even with the full tour we spent only about 5 hours there, but if you have kids there are a lot of additional attractions (including a little train) you could definitely stay a full day.
I visited the Park while I was on a weekend away. I thought that the entry fee was a little steep for what was actually in the park. We visited off-season which may explain why the atmosphere wasn't fantastic but it ended up being a rather dull day out. They did have some impressive animals inside the park but we weren't convinced by the spaces these animals had to themselves. We did sit in one of the small animal shows with a lizard and a cockatoo which we did enjoy. However, one of the staff members seemed to make a special effort to avoid us when walking around with the lizard, perhaps because we weren't children. This is not somewhere I'd go back to in a hurry, I'd rather save and visit Longleat.
Lots to see and do for families with young ones. Massive play area and free bouncy castle.lots of animals to see.would recommend being at some of the feeding talks as you see the animals close up and learn so much more than the information boards tell you.we had a red panda feeding experience booked as a birthday present so made a weekend of it.we arrived early in the morning and didn't leave until 4pm as there is so much to see.we took our own lunch and if it is sunny there are several places to eat outside.if it is cold and rainy you will be restricted to your car!which isn't a problem as you can come and go all day
I have taken my children to PWP for the past 5 years in the summer holidays and we always have a great time. This year was different as I had a 'meet the Red Pandas' experience booked, which proved to be a real treat for me but also it was the first time we had visited in the low season. We were blessed with a lovely bright day so we could still enjoy all the outdoor play areas, the woodland walk and the animal enclosures. We also tried the crazy golf for the first time and I thoroughly recommend it - it is small but perfectly and ingeniously formed and really tested our ability. The animals were very active in the park and there were lots of wild birds chirping in the trees and bushes. A lovely day out.
We've been here a few times before and it has always been a particular favourite of ours, even before we had our two children.
Now we have the kids, it's even more enjoyable as the park has so much directed at the little ones, including a soft play area, outdoor adventure playgrounds, tractor rides, etc.
our two thoroughly enjoyed it and the whole day was a real pleasure. The lorikeet landing is brilliant, you can feed the birds nectar for £1 which is a real good experience!
The restaurant was quite pricey, but the food was pretty good (the steak burger was tasty, as was the chicken burger, but the price was quite steep at almost £7)
The children's meal was just a plain old pizza (no effort went into it and it was lacking cheese, so basically just a base with lots of sauce on it) with chips on the side, which was fine, but that was almost £5 which is ludicrous. The place was clean and staff were helpful helping us get our double buggy in, etc. children's meals could be better though, more quality items would be good if they continue to charge that amount!
The animals in the park are great and there are quite a variety, very impressive and conditions were good.
Shame the toucans have gone! But they have been replaced with a bat area, which is interesting too!
I recommend this park, we love it and really think it's worth giving it a go if you have young children, as there's so much to see and do here.
Arrived here on a unplanned day out. Had a lovely day walking around the zoo. All the staff seemed very pleasant. There are quite a few animals to see and unlike other zoos you can get quite close to the animals. Difficult to say what the highlight of the day was as there were many nice moments. Liked everything from petting zebras to watching the big cats. A special moment was watching the lion carry its baby out of its bed and wandering around with it, before placing on the floor for all to see. There are not many that can say they have seen a lion that young.
there is an extensive collection of animals, all of which are kept in enclosures that enable you to actually see them. there are a number of hands on experiences, and a tremendous kid friendly area for full family outings. a shuttle service from the train station to the park was efficient and well planned. in all, a great day out for animal lovers and families
Had a really good day out. Went in early before the zoo opened for the big cats experience followed by breakfast. Our guide was very informative and made the tour very interesting. Had a good breakfast in the cafe overlooking the tiger enclosure. The staff are very friendly. All in all a very enjoyable experience for children and adults alike. It was worth going just to see the big cats got some fantastic photos.
We paid an unplanned visit to this zoo and what a great day it was. Not a huge sprawling zoo park, but a nice pleasant and well laid out attraction.
Plenty to see, the BIG CATS are fantastic to see at such close quarters. The variety of animals was also impresive.
Plenty to do and see, kids attractions were excellent, the cafe overlooking the Tiger enclosure was particularly enjoyable.
I whole heartedly recommend a visit to this attraction.
Great day out, lots of interesting animals to see, feed and find out about. The kids loved it. It's not very far from us so worth a day out. Not sure if it would be worth a long journey & a stay in the new hotel.
Great selection of animals to see although no elephants, chimps, giraffes or hippos they have zebras, lions, tigers, penguins, meerkats, a reptile house, bats, wolves and more.....
You can feed some of the animals, most of them arnt interested but the farm animals and emus love to be fed.
Big adventure playground with fire engines & pirate ship & more for kids to play. A nice day out. :)
I was not expecting to enjoy this as I prefer my big cats to run free. However these cats are fantastically well looked after and dont spend all their time at the park. All the animals look really wekk cared for and are obviously well loved. Its not just big cts either although they do have a superlative range including a jaguar. Ther are meercats and penguins, monkeys and loads of others. Its not based on a huge site so youngsters will manage the walking. There is also a fab childrens pool and realaxing area. Fabulous day out.
A brilliant day out for young families just remember to take a camera and some good shoes for walking in, feeding the giraffes definitly a highlight.
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