National Memorial Arboretum

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This is one of the most beautiful places to remember all who are or have served this country.There are wonderful monuments plaque's and trees.Not just Military but the unsung people who serve this country such as prison, fire police.Its a place for all seasons as the trees and flowers change.Two best days Ride to the Wall and .Rememberance Day, well worth a visit.It should be a place all children visit.The facility's for disabled are good .The Organisation and helpers are wonderful.Will go again as soon as possible.
The Fifth time I have attended the RTTW. As always a very moving service, This Year the weather was against us, but so what, At least we were there to appreciate it, unlike the names on the wall.
Lots of building work in progress, but The Staff of the NMA, were as professional as ever.
A place well worth visiting, There are lots of memorials surrounding the Wall, that are still accessible,
Attended here as part of the RTTW 2016 event being run. This is an annual event for motorcyclists from all over Europe to pay their respects to those that have fallen in conflict for their country. The NMA has an aura about it. It made the hairs on my neck stand up. It has been thoughtfully laid out and each dedication to the various regiments battalions etc are carefully arranged. Thought provoking and where it can bring distant memories to the fore which in turn allows you to heal. There is a number of building works in progress which when completed will add to a place of relfection for many. It was a wet day when I was there. But it was spent in the company of many remembering those that came before us and paid the ultimate price.
Awe inspiring place. Makes you grateful to those who served and died. If you go on ArTTW day it will be full of bikers, and cars will have to park else where and be bussed in, on otherdays it will be less crowded
The first Sat in Oct is the day when thousands of bikers from Britain, Europe and beyond, have an annual pilgrimage to the NMA, to pay their respects to the fallen heroes, many of whom were family, friends, colleagues. Remembering those who can no longer ride by their sides. By being there everyone is also thanking those who have served, and those who currently serve in the Armed forces, for keeping us free and safe. 'Ride to the Wall' attendees pay a voluntary contribution to attend, and this all goes to the upkeep of the Armed Forces Memorial (AFM).
This year it was a 'tad' wet (to say the least!), but this did not dampen the respect that the bikers and other visitors shared. This year, even with the weather as it was, there must have been 10000- 15000 people in attendance.
Ride to the Wall is the largest single event that the NMA has each year. The organisation of both the Ride and the events within NMA are amazing. And the service of remembrance brings a tear to every eye.
The sum raised is presented each year on Armed Forces day the following year. To date RTTW has to date raised over £500,000 for the AFM at NMA.
RTTW is always a special day, but with next year being the 10th anniversary of RTTW it'll be a VERY special day. Can't wait.
Fantastic day, Would recommend the everyone, young, old, couples, singles and families. A day suitable for everyone.
Attended this event in extremely wet conditions along with 15,000 bikers for their annual pilgrimage to pay their respects to our fallen servicemen. A very emotional and moving day. The organisation by the RTTW team and the arboretum staff was extremely good yet again. Will be back next year for the 10th Anniversary.
I attended the NMA for the first time on this years Ride To The Wall and I didn't stop crying all day. I was proud to be part of such as major event bring together thousands of bikers from all over Europe to say thank you.

Yes the weather was awful to out it mildly so it became muddy but not overly so. I sort out my own regimental memorial (Royal Tank Regiment) but the whole site is very special. I recommend the NMA what ever the weather.
I visited this place on the RRTW and to see thousands of bikers, ex forces and the public stand together and pay their respects in the rain was a sight to see. The weather was horrendous and some grass got churned up because of the thousands of feet crossing it but it was nothing like the forces have to endure away from home fighting for our lives. There was plenty of food and refreshment stalls. Extra seating had been put out. The marshalls were awesome. This was my 5th year attending this ride out and the organisation gets better each year. Oh and it was free to go in if you didnt register and gladly donate. I did pay the small registration, it was nothing compared to someone losing their life fighting for us.

Excellent day, well done to all involved.
We love very close to the NMA and visit regularly. It is a great place - a perfect mix of solemnity, respect, history and interest; a place of pilgrimage for those who remember.

Those who leave bad reviews about the price of refreshments, quality of dog walking facilities, "trivial" memorials and other such token "problems", really need to get a sense of perspective.

Keep up the good work NMA - in the face of a sometimes tough audience you deliver a memorable experience.

BTW - full respect to the guys and girls of RTTW 2016. Such a great turnout in difficult conditions.
Been here numerous times even in the pouring rain (like last Saturday) so much to see, very emotional and thought provoking, friendly staff who are always eager to assist
I attended this event for the second time with my daughter and found the whole event simply outstanding! The arboretum itself is absolutely lovely and is well maintained and has fantastic facilities. The RTTW event is well planned and managed by all of the volunteer staff who do a wonderful job of getting everyone in and out with minimal fuss. I will be attending again next year and hope to encourage even more to do the same. Brilliant!
Fabulous place, sad, poinient and respectful. Everyone should visit and pay their respects. Excited to go back and see the new visitor centre opening at the end of October 2016.
The most moving place I have visited ,staff very friendly (had a cracking chicken and rice stir fry from a couple of lovely Ladies👍)you do need a whole day to fully appreciated the amount of memorials ,never had the chance on my first visit which was with the RTTW Bikers 2016 ,a fantastic bunch of motorcyclists remembering the men and women (and on one plaque a 16 year old cabin boy)who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live the life we all lead today . Please visit and take Big box of tissues .
Although very wet due to constant rain the day was an excellent day to remember. As this is one of the busiest days at the Arboretum, many volunteer staff were on duty. Never met one on the day who was downhearted with the weather. They were very polite and approachable. Willing to help. Always a pleasure to make a visit to the NMA not matter what time of year.
I go to the NMA frequently, living so close makes this possible.
Each time I discover something new, or make a new memory.
This year I first went in May, to watch a presentation of a number plate that had been auctioned for RTTW. Small as it was, it was a poignant moment for those involved and I was able to take some lovely photos of the occasion.
Going back in July to paint my solider for the Somme Tribute, on a sunny afternoon off work. A peaceful and mindful experience, that moved me to tears.
And this last weekend, for Ride To The Wall. This year as a volunteer Marshall. The one day of the year when the peace is interrupted by upwards of 6000 motorbikes, riders, pillys and other attendees coming together to pay their respects. Words cannot explain the sight this is and the emotions it brings. Seeing grown men and women.....all in biker tears ...some of grief...some of happiness at reunions of old friends, but all of respect. I cannot explain.
The different memorials, reading the names on the plaques on the trees and benches dedicated to those who have passed.....the Shot at Dawn Memorial which breaks my heart.
The NMA costs nothing to gain entry, donations are optional. I cannot express how much I love this place and without fail everyone I have taken to visit has fallen in love with it.
The facilities are being upgraded and due to open this/next month. There are always lots of events....small unplanned ones, and those on a bigger scale. I hope to go to the twilight walk and Christmas Carol events, as I've not really been in the winter.
If you have the chance, whether for the day, or as I sometimes do....just for an hour....then go there. You will not be disappointed.
I attended my 8th RTTW on 1/10/16 to conduct my business of paying my respects to the fallen that "can no longer ride by our side". To me, this is the single most important motorcycling event on the calendar. The NMA is a wonderful venue, well organised by both NMA staff and volunteers, and of course the RTTW crew and marshals. This year, the weather was inclement. Did we care. Of course not. We were there en masse from across Europe proudly riding our bikes and trikes TO PAY OUR RESPECTS TO THE FALLEN. Lest we forget. The NMA is a wonderful memorial that you should attend rain or shine. It will leave you with a lasting impression of the sacrifice made by all whose names are indelibly written on the wall.
went to the National Memorial Arboretum on Saturday 4/10/16 with approx. 6500 other bikes for the yearly RTTW it was a good day with every body helpful(staff and Marshalls alike) bring on 2017.
Ride To The Wall is not for fun but to pay respects in a way that brings strangers together and entitle us to call each other "family". No matter why you're there it is a truly moving experience and a way to show mourning families that their sacrifice is not forgotten.
My small way of saying "thank you" without knowing any of them.
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU and long may this tradition continue xx
I attend the nma as often as I can. This was my 5 RTTW. And as ever there was no disappointment. Even the bad weather didn't tarnish the day. Beautiful settings fantastic event. If you've never attended the nma I highly recommend you pay it a visit
We attended the NMA by car for our second RTTW. The rain came down in torrents, but it didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm for the event. We had been well informed about the works taking place and also knew that the environment was all outdoors, so we were well prepared for the weather, and the volume of attendance. Understandably, there were queues for everything, but there was a lot of happy banter between individuals, despite being somewhat moist. Everything was well organised, not only by the NMA staff themselves, but also by the numerous volunteers for the RTTW. Everyone was well informed, courteous and helpful. The Service of Remembrance was wonderful, you could have heard a pin drop during the observance of The Silence, apart from a beautifully choreographed (by nature) fly past by a flock of geese in formation. Parking was more than adequate with a shuttle bus service running regularly. Additional refreshment facilities were provided to cater for the increased volume of visitors on this occasion. We really cannot fault the organisation of all involved and the attention to detail to ensure that everyone was able to gain the best experience from their visit. The grounds are beautifully maintained, every memorial is a wonderful tribute and opportunity to spend some time in reflection for those who gave their lives. It was a pleasure and an honour to attend, and we hope to return during the year to be able to see more than is possible in one visit. You definitely need to allow plenty of time, but you will not be disappointed. Although this would be regarded as a solemn event, which it is, there were many children and young people attending, and they were able to pay their respects in their own ways, which is also important for them. Due to the size of the venue, it is important to wear suitable footwear and be prepared for walking, although a land train, and mobility scooters (pre-booking advised) are available.
This is such a wonderful place. It is situated in very large grounds. For those who dont want to walk there is a little train to take people around it also has commentary. £2.00. If you do want to walk I suggest comfortable shoes. There is no entrance fee , so I gave a good donation, this place is very well kept and well worth a visit.
My 9th Ride To The Wall, together with thousands of fellow bikers and like minded people to Remember Our Fallen. Despite the weather, it was a fantastic, humbling event. ALWAYS a pleasure to visit here at any time. Tremendous place help 'keep you grounded'.
Travelled up as part of Ride to the Wall 2016 (World Wide Web ridetothewall) Thousands of like minded motorcyclists all there to pay our respects in remembrance.

Even the weather could not put a dampener on the proceedings. All the staff and volunteers were cheerful and helpful. I have attended for the last 7 years and have seen the Arboretum grow and mature into the lovely place it has now become...

Was well aware that both the visitor center and the "Wall" were closed for update. This has been common knowledge for a year or more now. But cannot wait for my next visit when both will be open.
Our first visit to the Arboretum and what an interesting and emotional day we had. Every monument, plaque and tree has a meaning which makes you think of the past and of the future.
Attended the NMA last Saturday with a few other Motorcyclists!! to attend the annual Ride to the Wall, (RTTW) as always on this event it was teeming with like minded Visitors and as always the Staff of the NMA were Helpful, and Cheery, despite the Weather, can't wait to return Myself for next Years RTTW, and am going to come sometime before that to have a quieter closer look. Roll on Next Year and thanks to everybody at the NMA, and of course the RTTW Organisers for the Efforts that went into making this a great Day. BZ.
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