National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11454 reviews
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This was my first year for RTTW even held here..
The day was absolutely amazing, the people who organise it deserve a medal.. Outstanding work guys.
The place is huge, far exceeded my expectations, the memorials are fascinating, so much thought has gone into each and every one..
Shame it rained on the day, but like someone said, each raindrop was a tear for a fallen loved one.. Definitely going to visit next summer and spend a more leisurely day in the sun..

Vixy 😊
Attended the NMA as part of the RTTW 01/10/2016, Weather was dismal, but the event was beyond belief. Well organised given the weather, parking was marshalled to a T .... grounds were a bit muddy but what do you expect from 15000 + visitors on a day where the rain was continuous. I would highly recommend this venue to any age group
We visited as part of the Ride To The Wall biker event. From the time we arrived to when we left the place was packed but there was additional seating, additional catering, additional toilet facilities, additional parking facilities and plenty of volunteers on hand to provide advice and assistance. The queues were long, but were compensated for by the addition of free entertainment throughout the day including Gary Glaysher, The Queens Band, Abigail Carter-Simpson and more. None of these were at any extra cost... In fact, the entire day was offered free.... Even the entry donation was optional.. It was a rainy day and the grass had turned into a muddy mess, so I took the liberty of stepping six feet to one side and enjoyed a pleasant stroll through some of the incredible 330 memorials without issue. The wall itself was cordoned off with no explanation so we didn't even see the main attraction. Oh, sorry I forgot, The Arboretum staff had painstakingly reconstructed the memorial with every single name from it, so that people could see the names of their loved ones despite the essential maintenance to preserve the upkeep of the original. How thoughtful! On the whole I'd say it was very poorly organised, with only five or six hundred extra volunteers giving their time and services to ensure the day went smoothly. That said, it was probably the best day anyone could wish for. I couldn't find fault anywhere and will return as often as I can.

Now, if someone can tell me where to complain about the rain......
With the greatest respect to Nolimitstraveler I really think you missed the point of RTTW and dare I say the NMA itself. You state you visited as part of the RTTW day surely then you realised what you were joining and that it was bound to be busy. Unless you just happened to choose that day in which case asking anyone or looking up the details would have clearly shown that it was the 9th annual event, the great reverence with which it is held and did you not attend the very moving service???

Its been very well know that it's undergoing a huge refurbishment and I find it a beautiful place of peace and thought provoking at any time. Silly as it may sound the RTTW is perhaps more poignant than a quiet summers day.

To anyone else please visit this place even whilst the wall has been off limits there are over 300 memorials all with stories, beautiful landscapes river walks etc.

RTTW is a unique day and if you do visit along with 10k bikers please really take in why they are there and the respect with which it's held
We rode to the Wall as part of the Ride To The Wall where every year bikers gather to pay tribute to the fallen. in the region of 6700 bikes,this is the most humbling day in our year, fantastic place to visit. take a packed lunch or eat in the returant, its a big place you can spend aLL DAY THERE so much to see and a new visitors centre opening end of Oct 16, Plus a children's interactive section. I intend going back during the Summer months to have a good look around and my wife is a photographer ( was not with me on this visit ) so she will have a field day. Oh this was my fourth visit and still have not seen it all plus there were new memorials added since my last visit.....Sad yes, humbling yes, morbid definitely no, in my view is also a place to have fun and be happy otherwise why did the fallen give their lives for us.
Absolutely amazing day, I rode with friends and joined the meeting point at Leicester forest East. The ride to the Arboretum was fantastic. The parking was very efficiently managed, incredible how so many bikes were parked so quickly. Yes the weather was atrocious, but that did not detract one bit. As expected in a site with much grass and thousands of people, there was a little mud,but not much.
The welcome was outstanding and the organisation superb.
The memorials themselves were incredibly moving, we knew the wall was closed as this was publicised. The entertainment was great. I did not stay for the service unfortunately.
My only comment would be the price of the catering, rather excessive but not untypical. Pack up next year.
This was my first visit, I'll be back every year.
Went to show our respect to the fallen we did not go expecting it to be something of a attraction if anyone wants a attraction then they can try Blackpool
We visited again this year as we took park in the RTTW event. The marshalls directing traffic where fantastic and helpful. Lots of food stalls and drinks, a few queues, but that's what you expect with about 10,000 people attending. The wall was shut due to having some work being carried out and the main entrance and cafe. All this information was on the NMA website and again on the RTTW main site. All the names on the wall where carefully put on to a makeshift wall for all to see. This did not ruin the experience. There is lots to see and do and it is for all ages. People meeting old friends and making new friends. It was a raining day, but this did not dampen the spirits of the bikers and other visitors. We will be attending again next year. Beautiful place to gather your thoughts.
We last attended the NMA with RTTW in October 2012. It was an amazing day. The grounds are immaculate, the whole site is just beautifully kept and despite the arrival of over 10,000 people on motorbikes the staff were exceptionally helpful and accommodating. We will definitely be back.
A fantastic 9th visit to the NMA with fellow waller to remember all those who can no longer ride with us. Yes it was raining, yes the grass was wet and muddy, yes there were 1000's of Bikers in attendance, yes there is not enough seating for those who attend on the 1st Saturday in October. But the NMA when first built had no way of knowing in advance just how many Bikers would turn up on this annual pilgrimage. The NMA staff are fantastic it's a very moving emotional day. As for the wall it's being renovated and will be open in November.
Visited on Oct 1st as part of Ride To The Wall. What an awsome experience again. Sorry if it rained on you but hey at least we are alive and can go home to a warm bath! Fantastic place and very humbling.
I attended the Ride to the wall 2016. The control and organisation to allow 6500+ motorcycles etc with the bikers and passengers was amazing. the Arboretum was clean and tidy with time to reflect and remember those that this facility is for. The whole experience was a reminder of how lucky I am to live in a country that values free speech, with a freedom of expression. The day was wet and raining something that can not be controlled and to be honest if it did not rain then the trees the grass and the facility would be the worse for not having it. The people I meet where there to remember old friends and family this was enabled through the shear area and amazing memorials set out in such a manner as to allow each memorial to be viewed in a peaceful manner reflective.
This was my seventh "Ride To The Wall" and as always it was a truly humbling experience. Thousands of people gathered together on the same day each year for a common purpose: to remember those who gave everything in the service of their country and to raise money for the upkeep of the NMA - over £500,000 since the inception of this event in 2008.

Unfortunately on this occasion we were unable to climb the steps to the Armed Forces Memorial itself as it's currently in the throes of maintenance work but we knew that as we'd been told a year ago that this would be the case. However there are plenty of other memorials on site, and the lone piper, the Service of Remembrance and the last Post are always guaranteed to bring a lump to the throat.

Well done all those bikers who braved the elements to take part in a truly awe-inspiring occasion. They will have got home at the end of the day cold and wet with muddy boots but aware of the part they'd played in the day. If only the young soldiers who were dug dug into the trenches at Ypres and Verdun could have returned home cold and wet and with muddy boots. Sadly they never got the opportunity.
They have no concept of RTTW , its purpose or its aims. I attend every year with them. This year was wet all day. We all got soaked. Most of us attended on motorbikes. The reason we all attended was worth any discomfort and hardship we faced. This is by far the biggest event and the largest single donation this wonderful place receives. RTTW in itself is a special event in its own right to a special place. RTTW introduced me to the NMA but I go several other times a year. I will be attending 3 more events this year. Those that could be bothered would have known the wall was shut for renovation. Would have known the new visitor center does not open until the end of October. Should have worked out that with over 7000 bikes and over 10000 people attending it was going to be packed. We went to remember those service men who gave their all did not return and honor the families who's loss is so great. So there was no where to sit and it was muddy. Shame you missed the point.
Have visited as part of the Ride to the Wall for the last 5 years.
Yes the main wall was closed, but this had been well publicised.
Yes it rained, but no one can help the weather, we are lucky we can go home to dry clothes unlike those we go to remember.
Yes there are queues. When you visit on the busiest day of the year there will always be queues.
So I say to 'nolimittraveller77' maybe next year you should stay home.

RTTW is not about no rain, no queues or whether the main wall is open. It's about showing our respect and remembering those who lost their lives so we can live free.

For me it is a beautiful place and one I will return to every year.
The saddest part is knowing that the empty panels will once also be full of names.
A poster has entered this under terrible "We visited as part of the Ride To The Wall biker event. From the time we arrived to when we left the place was packed and there were no free seats to rest and the queues were so long you'd have to stand and wait for ages just to get a drink. It was a rainy day and the grass had turned into a muddy mess with hardly anywhere clean to walk. The wall itself was cordoned off with no explanation so we didn't even see the main attraction. Poorly organised on the whole and just seemed not quite ready for visitors".
The point they are missing, we are there for the people who cant sit down on a free seat, cant wait for ages for a drink, couldnt find anywhere clean to walk, were sent to war with no explanation, didnt come back alive.
i would like to express my sincere apologies to the sad excuse for a human being that maybe the rain was too wet.
We joined many thousands of other bikers on 1st October 2016 to pay our respects and honour the lost souls who gave their all in the service of this great country of ours.
The weather was not kind but the memorials are more important than a few rain spots.
It was a privilege to share this occasion with so many like-minded people. Yes it was wet, yes it was a bit muddy there and yes there were queues but we wouldn't have missed it whatever!
This memorial should be on everyone's list of places to visit.
Jen & Pete. Cornwall.
Ride to the wall 2016 at the National Memorial Arboretum, was excellent, apart from the rain which the organisers could do nothing about. People who have left bad ratings for this event below ought to remember what this day is about!! All the organisers do this event are volunteers and so are all the marshals and everyone else who attends also do it voluntary raising thousands of pounds towards the upkeep of this special place. I myself and thousands of other bikers rode hundreds of miles in bad weather just to show that we do remember our fallen and we will do everything we can to keep this majestic place going. To the people who left a bad rating... shame on you!!
A day like no other at a place like no other. Superb coming together of the biking community to show respect for those who are no longer with us. The NMA hosts a wonderful gathering of individuals and groups who come together in collective rememberence in a beautiful and melancholy location.
Visited this venue for an annual charity event, and what a great place to visit, although it rained we had a great emotional day but could not visit every memorial to all the various groups (not all military) and are now planning another visit to see those we missed.
There are some modernisation work ongoing but this was explained by the staff and did not detract from the many other parts of the venue
Fantastic place and lovely to see the dedication of the RTTW marshals and organisers and bikers . I have visited previously also and was very impressed.Its really important work that is being carried out by everyone on site. Will definitely be back next year.
Each year we attend the arboretum as part of the Ride To The Wall (RTTW). Thousands of bikers ride from far and wide to attend a service for our fallen heros. I cannot put into words how well organised this event is! It's ran to precision timing from the marshalls organising the bikes, to the arboretum staff, everyone is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. We attend with a disabled rider every year and it's great to know that you can reserve either a mobility scooter or a wheelchair in advance meaning that the venue can genuinely be enjoyed by everyone.
The gardens and memorials are extremely well maintained and are a genuine pleasure to behold in any kind of weather. We've attended in glorious sunshine and torrential rain and no matter what the weather it's a truly humbling experience. Everyone should take the time to visit the arboretum at some point in their life. We love the comradery of the RTTW where thousands of bikers all get together to raise money and give thanks to those who have fought for their country. It's an incredibly busy day and we love every minute. If you prefer peace and no crowds then the memorial is open every other day of the year too and RTTW may not be the best day for you to attend. The RTTW is on the first Saturday in October every year and we are looking forward to attending for many more years to come. A huge well done to every single person who makes the memorial as amazing as it is.
A beautiful place to remember our fallen. Attended with the Ride To The Wall and was a volunteer in the car park. Despite the rain it was a day to remember and will be back next year at the Armed Forces Day and RTTW. Well worth a visit any day of the year.
A great day out for all the family. It rained non stop while we were there for the service but the staff were brilliant and never lost there smiles even tough that were rushed off there feed. A place well worth visiting to pay respects to our fallen and to teach out little ones what they gave there lives for
We have just visited NMA as part of Ride To The Wall for our 4th year! Despite the awful weather this year it was still an amazing experience. Every time we visit there are more monuments that have been created to honour various groups that have served their country. The place is kept incredibly tidy and well maintained too. There are improvements being carried out at the moment but these have been well publicised so everyone visiting should be aware of such temporary works. There was a huge catering marquis set up while the main cafe is being renovated, which served reasonably priced drinks, snacks and yummy cakes. I am looking forward to visiting again in a few weeks when the renovations have been completed.
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