National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11454 reviews
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Been coming here since 2010, Ride To The wall is an amazing experience, I go to place a cross with a friend that "can no longer ride by my side". It is an awe inspiring day,

If you want to see a massive tribute to our fallen, then the 1st of October then come to Ride to The Wall. 20,00 people fall silent during the last post, meeting many friends old and new. Also go on quieter days,it's not a depressing type atmosphere, it's reflection and rememberance, and the staff are FANTASTIC. You will see people laughing, enjoying time there, That's what it's meant to be.
The new visitor centre will be open in a few weeks, I will be riding down again then.
A remarkable place to visit especially if in the company of friends with similar interests. It is a large but friendly place with ongoing development. It is often quiet apart from current expansion work and the usual work associated with maintaining an arboretum. On one day of the year it will be exceptionally busy that is the first Saturday in October where thousands of motorbikes, trikes, scooters arrive to pay respect to the nations fallen. If you don't like to wait a long time for refreshments or toilets don't visit on this day. Sadly they have no control over weather conditions. Allow a full day at least to get around all the memorials unless you are only coming to see one specific memorial. I just wish I could get there more often myself.
My 9th Ride To The Wall, together with thousands of fellow bikers and like minded people to Remember Our Fallen. Despite the weather, it was a fantastic, humbling event. ALWAYS a pleasure to visit here at any time. Tremendous place help 'keep you grounded'.
A fantastic event where Bikers show there gratitude to fallen members of the armed forces. The arboretum is a beautiful place to visit and the wall of names is a site to behold. The grounds are well kept and a pleasure to walk around . The RTTW event is a fantastic day where bikers from all over the world come to share their respect for the fallen, this annual event generates a large sum of money for the Arboretum donated by the bikers. The 2016 event has just passed and i cant wait for 2017.
Visited the NMA for second time last weekend, the grounds are a perfect tribute to those who laid their lives for the freedom we currently have, for those who have lost friends and family it gives a place to think and remember them.
The grounds ate impeccably looked after and the staff couldn't have been more friendly, respectful and helpful, I'd recommend this place to anyone.
Came for the 2nd time for the RTTW. Such an emotional, humbling place. The site was partially closed for necessary work and the weather was horrible but it didn't spoil anything. The staff and all concerned did an amazing job to keep things running smoothly without ruining the event or the emotional feeling of the whole place. Well done the place is a credit to all concerned in its upkeep
Oct 1st every year is when thousands of bikers make their way to the NMA,To remember those who have fallen in armed conflict and those who have served and are serving in the Armed services.It was our first visit on a wild wet day,and it wont be our last,It was a well organized event, and cannot praise the volunteers enough,who stood out all day in the monsoon like rain.making things run so smoothly.Cannot wait for next year,Rain or Shine.
Sadly it does rain, its called Weather and this being an Outdoor Venue it will get wet and muddy, especially when hundreds of people all want to remember their lost Loved ones, Friends and acquaintances.

A beautiful, place giving dignity and honour to those who have given their lives for this country.

Obviously some people will moan about the grass being wet and areas that have become muddy due to heavy foot traffic, but it is possible they would give an excellent rating to a fast food place!

A great place to visit and you will be astounded by the monuments and tributes erected in remembrance of our brave men and women of the British Armed Forces, from many different countries.

Staff on hand are helpful and find nothing too much trouble to help you with, except maybe drying the grass for you to walk on, that is I expect impossible for anyone to do for you.
The first Saturday of October every year for the last 9 years thousands of bikers have rode to the NMA to raise funds for the upkeep of the NMA and to pay their respect to all those whose name is on the Armed Forces Memorial (aka The Wall).

This is an incredible event to see and be a part of. No matter what the weather people turn up to show their support in incredible numbers.

All of this is organised by a team of volunteers. What amazing people they are.
This is a truely special place will definetly be returning for a whole day just to look around and explore the place so much to see and places to show respect to fallen soldiers! On the day of RTTW the weather was awful and destroyed many areas of grass hoping not to much long lasting damage has been caused! Enjoyed my day so much so much pride, passion and pain on show! A truely special event!!! 🖒🖒
Awesome. The weather was awful but it didn't dampen the spirits of thousands of people who went to pay there respects to our fallen. We will remember them.
My old university friend and I meet up at least once a year to celebrate us meeting and becoming such good friends, we met during university when we both did a degree in military history so both have a keen interest in mitary history. This trip was especially emotional the sheer impact of the memorials here is truly breathtaking and makes me feel proud that as a nation we are able to remember our fallen soldiers in such a beautiful and yet deeply haunting setting. My friend who is Welsh was exceptionally moved by the royal Welsh memorial. I would recommend this to anyone who has any form of interest in history or anyone in general who is looking for a different sort of experience on a day out.
what an experience, first time at RTTW, after hearing about the day year after year from my son and husband, the staff were amazing, the review by nolimittraveller77, what a..........WHAT DID THEY EXPECT. there were 6,800 bikes there, in excess of 20,000 people, of course there were queues, for myself I was proud to be a part of a great tradition, bring on next years.
FANTASTIC place to visit at anytime but on this day it is VERY special and humbling - it rained but did not dampen enthusiasm of a joint purpose for being there - to honour the fallen and thank them for our freedom
A well thought out, well staffed place of remembrance & contemplation. As ex Army with old comrades names on the wall, I cannot find fault with it. Go and pay your respects...
I am a regular visitor to the NMA and I must say I am NEVER disappointed. Every visit reveals something that I have missed on previous visits. This is partly due to the fact that they are always seeking to improve and add new memorials.

The facilities at the NMA are excellent. Food served in the restaurants/cafe is always hot and fresh and the staff are friendly and extremely efficient.
I recommend this place to young and old alike. Perfect for families too. A perfect day out which will inspire the young to reflect themselves on how lucky they are to have the freedom they enjoy so much today.

Lest we forget.
What is Ride To The Wall.

For people who don't know, this is a gathering of veterans and others who care to pay their respects,
To the fallen, who gave their all, without whom, we would all have regrets,
Once a year, we gather on mass, to remember those who gave their all,
To bow our heads and shed a tear , United together and standing tall,

Bikers in leathers, brothers and sisters, fathers, mothers, family as one,
To remember all, no matter who, they did their job till it was done,
With pride and honour, we come from far and near,
All dressed up, medals, badges, but not afraid to shed a tear,

Because no D.N.A. Is needed to know that we are related,
Joined together, a family whose pride is inflated,
By having the honour,to be there, on that special day,
Nothing will stop us, distance, weather, come what may,

Although a sad day, it is also a celebration of true friendship,
A bond that only veterans and caring people understand, and will never let slip,
That Wall , names , carved in stone, for all to see,
Is the reason, why, and what makes you and me.

A quick insight to a poor review,taking away the meaning of the day, yes it was wet and muddy but nobody can control that,my 5th year at NMA with RTTW and come rain or shine I will definitely be visiting again
A truly moving and sombre annual visit to pay respect to all the service personnel no longer with us, Always Remembered Never forgotten R.I.P
The weather was inclement, due to ongoing work, which is due to be finished later this month, "The Wall" was out of bounds, a seat was as rare as rocking horse droppings however, on this auspicious occasion people flocked in their thousands to remember the fallen, such a feeling of camaraderie and respect I have never felt before, the NMA staff and volunteers worked hard to ensure that arrangements were carried out to the letter and the day was a huge success, I can safely say that a good time was had by all!
An amazing day playing tribute to the fallen.

Excellent organisation. The committee, volunteers and staff did a great job.

Very moving service and musical entertainment despite the rain.

I would recommend this yearly event for anyone.
My first experiance of RTTW and all I can say is wow so many bikers paying there respects,very emotional, as for the arboretum what a stunning place for reflection and remembrance. I just really can not get how some people can complain about the weather ( nolimitstraveler77) we live in England it's what we expect it rained and yes the grass did get wet and no they can't supply seating for over 7000 people. It was a day of remberance, you should enjoy it for what it was. Credit to the RTTW organisation and the national arboretum.
Attended with 7k like minded individuals to pay our respects, despite bad weather the grounds were immaculate on arrival, a real credit to all the friendly staff. Hopefully the footfall damage will be restored swiftly for all to enjoy these superb grounds.
Visted The NMA for the past 3 years now and was disappointed that i was not well to join in this year .
Please dont be disheartend by the weather or let a rainy day put you off.
Dont miss what truely lays there guys and girls that went through more than rainy days they suffered the cold wet damp snow and then their death. How can we the people complain and moan about a rainy day knowing what these guys gave to us our life our days our tomorrows.
These guys never went home to shower or dry out or go back to their families they fought for each and everyone of us and i hope and pray they dont have a trip advisor in heaven because they would annoyed reading negative comments . Yes it gets packed out by visitors on one of the biggest events of the year . Yes we may queue we may not get served but hey ho the emotion and the feeling of those memorials are immence and feeling so strong . Just let it be a learning curve go more prepared take a packed lunch and a flask if you do visit on a rainy day cause lets face it us the good old human race run for cover when it rains so therefore there will be queues , but remember our soldier angels never ran from weather conditions they fought for our lives . Its a must see and i highly reccomend everyone should visit . Has for organisation its second to none and remember these guys give they free time up they aint on any payrole . Well done RTTW and each and everyone of their organisers and everyone who took part in showing their respect xx
my second visit to the NMA as part of the annual RTTW, very emotional place to visit, yes it gets busy, yes the grass gets messy when its been raining all day, but people don't go there to eat burgers and hotdogs, they go there to say thank you to our armed forces for making the ultimate sacrifice in defence of our nation and freedom. as for all the names that are engraved on that wall, I wouldn't call them an " attraction" as some others have done, that's just disrespectful to those who gave there lives in defence of our nation.
A place where everyone should visit, wheather serving in the forces, ex military or just a civvie.
I visited a a part of the RTTW (Ride To The Wall) this Saturday
The weather was atrocious but that did not deter over 5000 bikes some with pillion plus so many others who arrived on the Park and Ride service that was put on specially for the day.
The organisation by the RTTW committe and NMA was superb
We were there to remember the fallen and we did so with the utmost respect.
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