National Memorial Arboretum

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I went along to the NMA with the Ride To The Wall, in order to pay my respects to the fallen. I have a number of friends with their names etched onto the Wall.

The day started off with dry and warm weather, but soon deteriorated into a very wet day. This did not dampen the spirits of the thousands of bikers there though. The service was excellent, the grounds were as always, in great keeping, despite the weather. I really must pay this wonderful place a visit on a regular day, as there's so much to see with over 300 memorials.

The staff and volunteers with the RTTW were brilliant, looking after everyone and not a bad word had. This annual event gets bigger each year and even the miserable weather will not stop the crowds. This was my 5th year attending the RTTW and I expect to be coming for many more years. If you like bikes, aim for the 1st Saturday of October each year. If not, I'd advise you to come some other time.

It's heaven on earth.
My 2nd RTTW, wet this time but still an awesome, moving event. Anyone that doesn't get a lump in throat during this must be inhuman. Well organised considering numbers that attend and raises money to help keep the memorial open.
First rttw and visit what a humbling experience.Very well organised event to show respect to fallen service men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can live free.
I have been here before and was absolutely blown away by this most beautiful place. I took in all the memorials and my heart broke.

I returned this month by doing the Ride To The Wall, I have no words again I was blown away, yes it rained but it made me appreciate the feeling of rain on my person. The whole event was outstanding. I would like to thank everyone involved on the event and especially to the nma for allowing all those bikes to be riden round the ground. Each and everyone there I'm sure truly appreciates this honour. Once again thank you to everyone involved for a day in my life I will never forget.

I would highly recommend a visit here words can not express what it all means. The grounds are tidy and well kept, the staff at nma are very helpful and nothing is to much trouble for them.
My type of visit was business.

The business of remembering the fallen, some recent some not.

To pay homage and respect to those names I worked with, and all others engraved on that Wall in history never to be forgotten.

The queue for coffee took a while, enough time to chat to those strangers around me who gathered at that place for the same reasons I did.

It rained bad at times and soaking wet I slipped up more than once, the grass park rammed with every machine brand built.

Complain?? Of what I ask? There can be no gripe. The yellow high vis jacket crew, male and female, who worked as volunteers, unpaid, as wet as I were in no way indifferent to my state. They had after all stood there far longer than I getting wet.

Shame on those who feel the need to whine about anything from that day. You were probably there for different reasons than anyone else.

I went to stand alongside a brother, and sister hood that you probably would never ever understand.

Super job the entire Ride To The a Wall Crew.

Bless you all.
Despite the poor weather we once again visited the NMA for the 2016 Ride To The Wall. It's the biggest event of the year for the place.

Originally designed for a much smaller number of visitors it has had to commission its current building works to expand its facilities. Coupled with this the need to close The Wall for maintenance has led to some less than complimentary comments on the NMA.

Listen ye not to them.

It's a wonderful place for reflection, wonder and education. Considering my comments about expansion it's an excellent reflection on the staff that they managed to perform well on a day of reduced facilities (which are well advertised) with around 10% of their annual projected footfall arriving on one day.

I shall be back again next year.... And the year after. ......
We visited on our way home from a weekend away, spending about 2-3 hours here but really you need longer as the grounds are extensive and there are so many different memorials that it would be good to spend a little time walking around a bit more and reading some of the dedications.

It is free to get into which is incredible so we didn't begrudge paying for parking or for the land train which is an ideal way to get a flavour of the place. If you want to take good photos, though, you're better off walking back to the memorials to do it.

The WW1 trench recreation was interesting and the "Shot at Dawn" area which commemorates the soldiers executed for "deserting" was very moving. I was particularly moved by the statue of the 17-year-old boy in the centre of it as he was the same age as our son.

There's also a good cafe there and a gift shop and there are mobility scooters available to hire for people with walking difficulties.

All in all, it's a good day out and we're going to visit again next year with family.
Visited this place for the 2nd time the rttw 2016 was very good , despite the rain it was well organised and all people were friendly and helpful, marshalls were excellent and all facilities were good, despite there being 1000s of people . Well done to all ,
Visited for the first time & was so impressed. Didn't realise it wasn't just for the Armed Services but for all. Spent just under 5hrs here & only covered a third of it. Felt very moved by it especially the wood of rememberance for service persons deceased children & also the SANDS area...The trip on the land train is worth it & gives a commentary as you go around..All in all very good & having volunteers dotted around is good & they are all very helpful
I have reviewed the NMA before but feel I need to update my review. I have visited twice this year. Earlier in the year I visited specifically to see the World War 1 memorial, this is a replica of the Trenches in the environment of how our brave men fought and died for our freedom and country, it was a truly moving experience. On the walk to the trench memorial we also passed through the Special Forces Walk which again showed the fortitude of our soldiers and I learnt so much about these brave soldiers. In October was my second visit where I attended the Ride To The Wall event which happens every year and is now in its ninth year. To date it has raised over half a million pounds towards the NMA, it is an event where bikers attend to show their respect for all our fallen heroes. They travel from all over Europe to attend a event to raise money and there are meeting points from all over to ride in procession for a common cause. Once there, there is an atmosphere of unity like have never known. My husband has been on each ride for the last 7 years and myself and my daughter have attended for the last two years. We wouldn't miss it for the world and has become a family event. It is open to all including car drivers, of which I travelled by. This year the heavens opened and everyone was absolutely soaked to the skin but I can honestly say it was as enjoyable this year as any other despite the weather. Such a moving experience, there was a Service conducted including a minutes silence and there are marches and music etc. Well done to NMA and all their volunteers and also the RTTW committee and all their volunteers and marshalls too. A big thank you to the police for organising the traffic and logistics.
this place is unique. its interesting, thought provoking, visually stunning and emotionally humbling. A beautiful tribute to fallen warriors and heroes.
well worthy of a visit by anyone who realises what sacrifice these people made for us.
Went as part of the 9th rttw and was truly impressed by the level of organisation and professionalism of the volunteers who run this annual trip of remembrance.
It's a beautiful place to visit and thought provoking experience.
Unfortunately the main wall was still having work done on it and the new visitors centre was similarly not quite ready for the public but this will soon change as they are only a few weeks away from completion.
Will be going again next year (first saturday in october I believe) and would recommend all bikers do the same!
I attended for the annual Ride to the Wall biker event. This is a very popular, scrupulously well organised and run event which is supported by a great many volunteer marshals. These wonderful people give their free time to ensure that the thousands of bikers attending RTTW are safely guided onto (and later off) the site and are able to park their bikes with as little trouble as possible. Despite the great numbers of people attending, the arboretum itself remains a peaceful and inspiring place which is entirely due to the respect shown by the visitors. There were many concession stands but, although the queues were long, there was little sign of impatience. New facilities (a wonderful visitor centre) are being built but building takes time and it was still unfinished for the 2016 event. I look forward to my next visit when I can walk inside it and see what the contribution by the RTTW organisation has helped to achieve. The Armed Forces Memorial was also closed for necessary work. Details of the work being carried out onsite and areas which would be off limits was made available in advance so avoiding disappointment. I will definitely be returning for RTTW as long as I am able and also plan to visit again at a time when the NMA is a little less crowded.
Once again a fantastic and moving day for the 9th RTTW. Must say the staff at the NMA did a fantastic job especially considering the rain, everything ran like clock work
An amazing event with a focus - remembering and recognising the fallen. To the person who had a 'disappointing visit' maybe you should have visited on another occasion, maybe you should have read the web site information explaining why there is building work going on, how it's been funded. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you are so far removed from the truth of the day. Volunteers worked mighty hard under extreme conditions to make the day a success, it was very well organised, and my motto is - don't complain unless you've volunteered!
A truly emotional experience to be part of the ride to the wall, even the rain can not dampen this great place and well organised event.
This is an awesome place for all ages. The facilities are brilliant and it's grounds and memorials like you've never seen before. The Ride to the Wall, experience and is overwhelming. Look forward to seeing you next year.
NMA is a place that everyone should try to get too once I can not describe it so I will use the words of the NMA
"The National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial."
We isit a couple of times a year it is a place of beauty, humility & Respect. There are stunning monuments to all of our uniformed services not only military. The site covers 150 acres and the volunteers, committee and all at the NMA work so hard to make your visit an experience to remember. Including activities for the younger ones. Opened in 2001 to create a place of joy.where the lives of people would be remembered by living trees that would grow and mature in a world at peace.
Please if you have chance visit and support this unique place. Thanks to all who work so hard to make your visit so special.
I have been to the N.M.A many times and decide to take my partner for a visit who never even knew the memorial existed. And when I suggested for her to accompany me she did not look too keen and was more interested in the fact we were having a couple of nights away to which she loves. As it was such a lovely day, and our travel from Scotland went smoother that anticipated I suggested we go to the N.M.A for a few hours until it closed and therefore we managed to get 3 hours in on the Friday, and then the full day on the Saturday. I love this place and could spend hours and hours reading the many memorials. This memorial is not just for military related personnel, But for all. As I would say it is a memorial to life. And perhaps if everyone could fit a couple of visits in to this place, Then perhaps there would be a lot less bigotry in this county. Luckily we had a whole day and a half all in splendid sunshine. My partner was so amazed and sad in parts as to how informative the Arboretum is and now wishes to return for another visit & overnight . I suppose the downside on this particular visit was the fact due to renovation/ repair works. The main attraction was not accessable,
This was our second visit as we did not have enough time to walk around all the memorials, and we still haven't seen them all. The memorials are mainly for various wars and Service men, but there are others such as SANDS, for bereaved parents, Police Force memorials, the RNLI, etc., well worth a visit, and when the new visitors centre opens in late October I'm sure it will be an even better experience, there is no charge for entry, a voluntary contribution is invited, and only £3 to park your car. Refreshments are rather pricey. Highly recommended.
A wonderful place to reflect on what has past. The number of memorials increases monthly. Beautifully planted, well laid out and very informative. The new visitors centre is nearing completion as is the renovation work on the main memorial which will be completed in November. An incredible place well worth a visit.
Have been here several times over the last few years. I do feel that the arboretum has become a little too businesslike and has moved away from what it was originally, having said that it is still well worth a visit if you have an interest in military or similar history. It is also a very special place with special meaning to many people
From a simple idea to a place for contemplation and thought. This site is well worth visiting not only to get some idea of the sacrifices that people over the decades have made but also to experience the tranquility and peace. The new visitors centre is about to open and will add significantly to the experience although it is really all about experiencing the feel and quiet ambience that the site has. It is a very large area and I suspect on a wet day it will be a challenge (we were lucky that the weather stayed dry and sunny during our 4 hour visit).
4th visit and always impressed by the sheer scale of the arboretum with new memorials each visit,Very poignant. New visitor centre nearing completion. Saw things this visit that hadn't seen or noticed before. Always immaculate and staff and volunteers are very helpful. Didn't go the Church service this time but have done so in the past.
A truly peaceful, magnificent, touching place to remember our war dead and others too. We took the shuttle train all around the site and were so impressed, before laying a small memorial wooden cross in remembrance of a family member perished at Gallipoli. So glad we went.
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