National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11453 reviews
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Amazing going again tomorrow
Its a very moving place the grounds are vast and with good weather you could spend hours just walking around. We live so close but every time we go another Memorial seems to appear. Well worht a visit
As an ex Serviceman it was inspiring to visit the many regimental
memorials and stories of our brave forces.
The core and the soul of the NMA is a physical place where the acts of remembrance and gratitude can be articulated by our whole nation, regardless of background, for the ultimate sacrifice made by so many. The quiet and calm surrounds have an air of pensive reflection that I think staff and volunteers strive to deliver. It is a place that everyone should visit.

Things to bear in mind / improve on:
£3.00 parking charge (take change).

Very poor public transport links.

Some more information on some of the older monuments such as where they came from and how they came to the NMA.

Ground can get very boggy in adverse weather, be aware of what you wear.

If you have small children, there is a large stretch of river near the play area that is unfenced.

But the need to come and remember and reflect outweighs these details.
A very moving and thought provoking experience - if you havent visited you should!! We have been several times as we live quite locally and always take our family and friends her for a visit as you see somehing new every time you go
Peaceful, memorable and a moving experience. The memorials are superb and it would be easy to spend a full day looking around.
Just visit, a true tribute to sacrifice. If you have any connection to our armed forces or police, or even a passing interest it is very moving.
We have only visited the National Memorial Arboretum twice - once in February 2010 and again last month. Just in that short time, it is obvious just how it is flourishing as the "special place honouring those who have served, and continue to serve, our nation .....".

The trees have visibly grown larger and it is not hard to imagine what a beautiful arboretum it will become - sadly, it is a place that has been necessary to create. It had to be done!

The 29th November 2013 was the 70th anniversary of a WW2 Atrocity - the 414 British POW's who lost their lives in the 1943 sinking of the Japanese ship 'Suez Maru' were never given the justice they deserved. Google "Suez Maru" to discover more. One victim's great-niece had the impetus to strive for a memorial to these men and, on the 29th, she and members of other victims' families stood and remembered - reading out all the names of the 414 British men who had perished.

This new memorial stands beside the FEPOW Museum (members of which helped to achieve this memorial too). There is a Memorial in Singapore (at Kranji War Cemetery) but it is only fitting that there is a focal point in the UK for families to visit.

The National Memorial Arboretum appears to be a very well-run centre and all staff/volunteers we met were friendly and helpful. There is a gift shop; tea room; toilets; exhibition area; and a lovely restaurant - all proceeds from the latter (and perhaps from all?) going straight back into the Arboretum. There is a car park fee but no fee into the Memorial site.

Keep up the good work :-)
Have been meaning to visit here for some time. Lots to see, very interesting place. The memorials are not only for the armed services. There are memorials for civilians too. Also a place where you can see plaques on trees for babies/children who have passed away. I think anyone who visits here, and at some stage of the visit doesn't feel emotional must have a heart made of ice. One sad place is the blank wall waiting for names for people who haven't yet died. Only charge for visit is for parking, buggy ride and donation.
An amazing site with so many things to see. A place of reflection and contemplation. Very moving to read all the names of people who gave their lives to their country in a variety of different wars and conflicts. Makes you appreciate how many people have lost their lives.
I go to the Arboretum regularly, on official business and for leisure. I never cease to be moved by the quiet dignity and the reverence shown by all visitors, of any age. Even new squaddies, "singing hymns in the key of grunt" catch on to the gratitude we must all show.
Everyone should take out time to visit this magnificent memorial to those that have served our country so magnificently and have made the ultimate sacrifice. Each memorial stone tells its own story and is a fascinating piece of ever changing history. All the staff are helpful and the grounds are manicured to the highest order. It is far from a morbid place and well worth a visit. Allow plenty of time because there is much to see.
This is obviously a special place with a lot of interesting and informative memorials and beautiful grounds. The land train is excellent for those without good mobility and the provision of blankets on a chilly day was super. Felt there could have been a lot more information provided and the catering was really disappointing not up to the standard of the rest at all.
As a serving member this have got to be one of most dedicated arboretum. Even if you don't serve its an emotional day for all. I think the wall touches people the most, as there is still a whole section with no names on. (Makes you think). The gardens are stunning and well looked after. This is where the real heroes are.
I have visited the NMA many times and every time am moved by the memorials there. Everyone should visit - Lest we Forget.
I only live 4 miles from the Arboretum, and have visited it many times. It is an incredibly special place, that never fails to move me at each visit. If you are planning a visit, you must include the 11.00am daily service in the chapel, and then allow yourself a good few hours to walk around the beautifully maintained grounds and memorials dedicated to all the brave men and women that have laid down their lives in the service of their country. A visit here will leave you feeling moved, emotiona,l humbeled and proud. Finally, please remember to leave a donation to keep this National Memorial open, and say a huge thank you to the army of amazing volunteers that without whom, the Arboretum would never survive. It is a place once visited, you will never forget.
The National Arboretum In Alrewas.Lichfield is a beautiful peaceful place to visit, It is very moving, a place to sit and reflect on what the site represents,A lot of thought has gone into the design of the Arboretum it is in a very peaceful location and well worth a visit,there is also a lovely little church there.It is a place that once you have visited it you will not forget it.Our soldiers deserve this beautiful memorial .I am sure it would bring a lump to anyones throat.x
We are very fortunate to live so close by to the NMA and have been there on many occasions, both when there have been formal events taking place (such as Remembrance Services) and also just to visit. To walk round the different gardens and memorials is very peaceful and reflective, and then to see the remembrance wall with everyone's names on is incredibly moving. It is certainly well worth a visit there.
Who ever had the vision to develop this site in the middle of the UK is a hero for all the heroes and special people that have laid down their lives for the help and protection of others.
This is such a beautiful and well thought out site. Immaculate maintained by I think mainly volunteers
This really is a special place it must give so much comfort to those that have lost their loved ones. I would like to thank all the kind and helpful people that I met during my visit. Please go and give your support.
We visited last Friday. It was a lovely sunny day. We went to see my friends young brothers remembrance tree and his name up on the monument .

We had a lovely but a little sad day.

It's so worth a visit, to remember the

People who lost there life for us to have a better one.

This site has so many memorials that its almost impossible to see them all on one visit. New ones are being added all the time. One was under construction when we were there, ready to be dedicated on 29th November. There is a reminder that this was once gravel pits, with the active pit next door, but its not intrusive. The visitor centre is small, but I understand that there will be a new, larger one next year. It is worth arriving before 11 a.m. to visit the chapel for the Silence - very moving as there are usually some veterans there. After this one of the volunteer guides gives an introductory talk about the site and the chapel, explaining the significance of some of the symbolism. The large Services memorial tends to dominate the view from the Visitor Centre, but it is moving to read the names of all the service personnel who have died since 1945 - especially in places like Afghanistan. Do find time to visit the Shot at Dawn memorial especially as the centenary of WW1 approaches. There are interesting memorials and exhibitions about the War in the Far East - look for Churchill's face in the stained glass. But there are many smaller memorials - one that is very touching is the SANDS one.
The café is small and was very busy when we were there, but the staff try hard.
A thoughtful experience for all ages.
Worth a visit to see all the differnt memorials and walk around the grounds. Cafe is quite small but serves nice snacks and the shop is very good
Its a large site, and particularly at this time of year you need your boots on as many monuments are not on paths. It is well worth walking around if you can, as you are reading plaques at every turn, and seeing so many different memorials to many aspects of war, as well as commemorating some civilian elements as well. The South East Asia building was particularly poignant, as was 'shot at dawn'.

Really clever and ingenious sculptures and designs, its really a full day out to see it all.

The cafe and visitors centre were good. My only gripe was that the guidebook was outdated as new memorials had been added. Perhaps an updated map (showing the ditches, which caught us out) could be handed out on arrival? Its free to go in, but you pay car parking and for a guide. We camped nearby and walked over from Willowbrook Campsite.

An important site, commemorating for a nation, and which will grow in importance and relevance as time passes.
We visited the day after the Remembrance Service had been held . It was a beautiful sunny morning, but there weren't many people there.
We took a train ride to get an overview of the site, which passes most of the memorials. Each one is moving in its own right.
At just before 11am we went into the chapel for the daily remembrance ceremony. This is non-denominational and very moving. It only takes a few minutes, then there's a short talk about the arboretum from one of the volunteers.
Later we walked to see a few of the memorials. Particularly significant to us was the Far East memorial, as we've visited the Death railway, the Bridge over the R Kwai, and the site of Changi jail in Singapore.
The cafe serves good food at reasonable prices.
We'll return next spring to see the trees in leaf and visit more memorials.
I am not sure this can really be classed as an attraction,but this review will indicate, hopefully what an amazing place it is. There is so much to see here and is relevant for all ages. A place of memories, sadness, joy, remembrance. All emotions may be experienced here.
The memorial gardens, the stunning trees, the dells, the groves, the sculptures, the list goes on; one day is simply not enough.
Excellent facilities inside and out to suit all ages and tastes; accessibility to all, including a small land train to take visitors around the whole site. Even a play area for the smaller family members.
It is a place to remember friends, family, fallen colleagues and the awful wasteful travesty of war, it is also a site where family, friends and loved ones may be remembered through tree planting.
Overwhelmingly though, it is an uplifting place; the small chapel is inspirational.
The whole site is full of light, friendship, new growth and a sense of hope for a future without conflict.
A visit here, is one we should all make at least once.
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