National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11450 reviews
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Visited with a group of like minded friends in September and was very impressed with the whole area, we spent quite a bit of time in the area devoted to 'Op Banner' and were humbled by the experiance. I was unaware that it is not only military memorials but that of other charities etc but it brings everone together in remembrance. One tip if looking for a particular tree in remembrance of a military individual ask at the main desk on the way in to get the rough area.
What a wonderful and inspiring place. Really interesting, moving and peaceful all at the same time.
Would thoroughly recommend a visit.
As ex-service personnel we found our visit here literally moved us to tears. When you see the rows and rows of names of service men and women that have paid the ultimate sacrifice it is truly humbling. The arboretum is nicely laid out with plenty of room to find a private space for reflection. It is our opinion that all school children should visit here as part of their education to ensure they are made aware of the sacrifices made by others so that they can live in freedom.
For the less mobile there is a land train to take them around the grounds for a fee, there is also a nice cafe and exhibitions in the main building. There is a chapel with regular services that people are free to join.
Lest we Forget.
From the moment you see the wall and all the names of the fallen who died doing there job you feel humble. I served myself but never in conflict and I still choked to see the names of all these men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice. The moaners and scroungers the lazy and scum of the earth should be made to read the names of every one of these brave people who gave them the freedom they now have. God bless the fallen.
A wonderful place has been created for the nation to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
It was a moving experience and a lot of thought has gone into the planning and development of the site which is an ongoing process.
The charge for car park is only £3 which is excellent value as there is no charge to get in and it relies on donations to keep it going. The restaurant also ploughs it's profit back to the Arboretum running costs.
You will need several hours to walk around and see everything but there is a land train which is great for those not able to get around so easily. Comfortable walking footwear is a must.
A humbling experience.
A very moving place, take time to walk around and reflect on the people who are commemorated here. If you have loved ones perhaps you could acknowledge them with a tree or something else.

It is difficult to encourage donations. The current method seems to have lots of different methods - parking, train rides, in my view an expensive cafeteria, and collection bins. There may be others I have missed. For me, I would prefer a simpler method. Maybe design a questionnaire and ask the visitors.
What a stunning place to visit,the whole area is beautifully set out and maintained. The memorials are stunning and so much thought and care has gone into the design of the entire site. The staff are polite and helpful, the cafe and shop are well worth a visit.
Entry is free, a small charge for parking is all that is asked.
We all found the experience very emotional and humbling, everyone should pay a visit, young or old. We should never forget the sacrifice made on our behalf.
This project is a work in progress and I will definitely be visiting again.
I don't live very far away, and visit maybe once every two months.
It is such a beautiful setting and a very humbling and inspiring experience. It is free of charge, you just pay for the parking.
It relies on donations. The voluntary staff are so friendly and well informed. You could wander around for hours or just do a section at a time.
An amazing experience and wonderful tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
A big huge thank you to the ladies at reception who kindly looked after my helmet while I strolled around the gardens.

I had read some previous reviews so I wasn't sure what to expect. They have very good options for those who are mobility impaired, so don't be put off by previous comments . I read a previous review about frequent requests for donations. This is not true. There are a few donation boxes located at the entrance but there is no pressure to donate.
Very calm atmosphere, moving visit, definitely visiting again. The cafeteria leaves a bit to be desired, but the whole site is beautifully maintained.
This was both an emotional and fascinating place to visit. Could take hours to wander through the settings and see all the memorials. Great tribute to all our war heroes.
Wonderful place to visit for a day - restaurant on site with coffee shop. We were lucky with the weather, had no idea there were so many memorials in so many shapes and forms. A must for all oldies to visit .
What a wonderful, well planned place this is. It's so quiet even though it's always been busy when we have been. The monuments and dedication plaques are both emotional and fascinating structures. The whole place takes hours to complete and really don't think it could all be seen in one day. The restaurant has some nice food but rather pricey so take your own food and drink as there are picnic tables outside the restaurant. You will not be disappointed with a visit to here.
To my shame I wasn't properly aware of the huge scale of this national memorial, the UK's centre of remembrance, even though it is only a one hour drive from where I live. It's a credit to those who designed and built it.

It is a memorial to the Military, the Civil Services (Police, Fire & Rescue Service, Ambulance), Charities, Local organisations and Overseas organisations. For details visit

Although the day of our visit was grim, due to wet and cold weather, it was also very uplifting in one way, but extremely sad in another when you see the thousands upon thousands of names, of those who gave their lives, inscribed on various memorials. Equally moving was seeing the vast amounts of blank space waiting for the names of the future. And to think that all those names are of people who have died SINCE WW2.

The 150 acre site is a fitting tribute. It is also very enlightening.
the arboretum evoked different emotions and feelings within the group of seniors I took there on 20th Sept. It is a large area and many enjoyed and appreciated the 60 minute train ride and commentary. Some found the names of family and were obviously touched by that.

We had been there two and a half hours and were preparing to leave when we were told our coach had broken down - it took two hours to rectify! The arboretum staff were magnificent and I want to give them a huge thank you for supporting us in a difficult and worrying situation.
Sadly it was very cold when we visited but I imagine on a warm day this will be a breathtaking attraction. Beautiful gardens with touching memorials. A fine tribute to our war dead old and new.
We picked up a leaflet about the arboretum and were keen to visit -we were surprised that it was free. However on arrival it becomes clear that everything is charged for - from parking to an out of date map of the memorials. This is accompanied by frequent 'donation' points. We're used to the war cemeteries where everything is immaculate, evocative and free.

The NMA should be amazing and some parts are. The pegasus memorial, the polar bear and the RNLI garden were particular favourites. It's a constant work in progress. It's great that anyone can pay for a memorial, but how many more badminton partners can the place take? These very personal memorials felt less significant and detracted from the experience for us. This should be a place for contributions of national significance.

This place is clearly expensive to run -just charge an entrance fee and stop the constant begging for cash.
Atmospheric, well ordered and hugely impressive the NMA is a 'must visit'. Suggest arrive at 1000, coffee at the vistor centre ( buy 1130 train tickets) and then 2 min silence followed by 10 min intro talk in chapel then catch 1130 land train to get your bearings. Lunch at 1230 then walk round areas as required tea at 1500 then last minute visits. Areas to see are Far East area, armed forces memorial, shot at dawn and polish memorial should not be missed. A fantastic full day out
I have been wanting to visit the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA)for a while and as we were staying nearby for a wedding we thought we would make a breif visit for an hour or two before having to leave to attend a wedding. A bit of a mistake as we soon found out that you need at least a whole day in order to really get the maximum for your visit. However, we were able to get a feel for the place. it is absolutely amazing. There is so much to see and learn. I wasn't expecting so many memorials, I had previously thought that it would be a military memorial. I have been to many war graves in France, Belgium, America and Germany and they are totally different to the NMA. Take a visit, you'll be very surprised!. Also, the staff were very helpful and knowledgeable
Visited here to primarily see the fire service memorial which we did but there is so much more to see and do here. Very emotional.
The wall with all the names of the fallen since the Second World War is a most impressive centrepiece and make you realise the sacrifice made by many and also by the blank spaces the sad realisation that many more names will sadly have to be added to this wall.

Atmospheric,Church Service was a moving experience.
Catering facilities were very good.Well worth a visit particularly
for ex servicemen and women.
I have been here many many times, and every time I see something different, you notice the differences from season to season, and each time I find it a peacefully emotional, place of beauty to visit.
beautiful setting for a packed lunch, or tasty food from the café
Train with commentary included very informative.
A fantastic place for photographs
Thankyou to all those who work and volunteer there
what an amazing place. This was our 2nd visit and we still have not covered the whole area. Plenty of places to sit and take in the atmosphere. Nice cafe too with outside seating if the weather is good.
Living relatively close to the Arboretum, we are regular visitors.

Set in acres of National Forest, there is always something to see whatever the season. From individual trees dedicated to an individual's life to the enormous centre-piece of the wall containing the names of those killed in active service since the end of WW2, it makes you realise the sacrifice that has been made in the name of this country by generations of brave souls.

I feel privileged to have this wonderful national attraction on my doorstep.
This was a trip to remember fallen comrades and was an emotional and sad occasion but in a wonderful setting maintained superbly mainly by volunteer.
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