National Memorial Arboretum

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my wife and i decided to visit its very thought provoking and made us feel very humble reading all the tributes to all the brave men and women who gave their lives in all the conflicts our country has had the grounds are beautiful kept and well wort a visit
My father served in Aden and a visit here was an opportunity for him to remember his friends that had died whilst doing what all put servicemen and women do; fighting for your/our freedom.

Everything about the day was an emotional pull to where he'd been, what he'd seen and the loss of life he'd witnessed.

My dad is an incredible man; he's lost friends, lost an elbow and a kneecap and struggles to walk, but that would not have prevented him from paying his respect and gratitude to those that have served so bravely and fought so valiantly for our freedom.

I can't help but feel disheartened when I read reviews about the price of parking at this place; funnily enough, my dad never mentioned it and certainly didn't complain.

I think my dad probably remembers that these men and women fought for out freedom, not for our free parking.

Perhaps you could petition the families of those that you are there to pay your respects to, to pay your parking fees for you? Or perhaps you could remember this is a charity and that each life lost is certainly worth more than the inconvenience of having to pay for parking.
I am not sure this can really be classed as an attraction,but this review will indicate, hopefully what an amazing place it is. There is so much to see here and is relevant for all ages. A place of memories, sadness, joy, remembrance. All emotions may be experienced here.
The memorial gardens, the stunning trees, the dells, the groves, the sculptures, the list goes on; one day is simply not enough.
Excellent facilites inside and out to suit all ages and tastes; accessibility to all, including a small land train to take visitors around the whole site. Even a play area for the smaller family members.
It is a place to remember friends, family, fallen colleagues and the awful wasteful travesty of war, it is also a site where family, friends and loved ones may be remembered through tree planting.
Overwhelmingly though, it is an uplifting place; the small chapel is inspirational.
The whole site is full of light, friendship, new growth and a sense of hope for a future without conflict.
A visit here, is one we should all make at least once.
On a blustery day when Hurricane Jude was expected, we walked through a tiny part of these lovely grounds spotting the next intriguing tribute whether it was a large statue or an individual tree planted in memory of a friend.

From the moment you arrive the staff are helpful and informative. We had come to see the Wall but found this wonderful area of parkland contained many other memorials to those who had lost their lives in conflicts that we remembered about and those we had forgotten.

We spent a fascinating and thought provoking three hours here and know that there was so much more to see and learn. We would come again and again knowing that there is some much more to see.
My husband and I spent an afternoon there and felt there was still plenty to see. It has a very peaceful feeling and helps you to reflect on sacrifices made by others.
this place is a must for all, we go every year to the rttw it has a nice cafe and shop and is very well layed out you can have a full day looking at every thing dont rush it you will leave with a head full of thoughts .
What a lovely place to remember those who died in peacetime! Shocking to see so many names - there is not one year since 1946 where no-one died in conflict around the world. My father is 89 and served in the parachute regiment during 2nd WW. He has the Burma Star. Visiting the Burma & Sumatra railway memorial with him talking about what he saw and how people suffered made me realise how lucky we are.
The autumn colour is beautiful.
From the moment you arrive at the poorly signposted site, the emotion of the National Memorial Arboretum grabs you. Yes there is a £3.00 parking charge, but this is the only cost of the day if you buy nothing and eat or drink nothing. There are lots to see and not all military, though everyone seems to think it is just military. The Armed forces memorial is the central memorial of the site and worth a visit on its own (I am biased, ex military), every name on the wall is a story of its own. The 150 acres has memorials to all the armed forces, plus the post office, the fire brigade, BLESMA, SANDS and many others. Please if your thinking of visiting the site, try and arrive before 1050, as the daily rememberance starts just before 1100 in the chapel, during which one of the volunteers provides a short chat, giving details of how the site was created. Visitors will return again and again. The signposts to the NMA, are poor, but the welcome makes up for it, plus the Restraunt provides good food.
Although you can dip in and out of this marvelous place try and allow the whole day for your visit. Take the train and the buggy ride if you can. This arboretum touched my heart in such a way that I personally will never forget. It helped to explain some of my childhood memories and lay them not to rest, but aside.
The magnitude of those service and non-service people who have laid down their lives since the second world war becomes so apparent as you travel around the site. Explore on foot too, to visit specific memorials pertinent to your own life experiences, and spend some time there.
As well as seeing the memorials do not leave without seeing the Far East POW exhibition, it tells the story forgotten by so many.

The site is huge so do take the train and Buggy journeys if you can, there is a commentary that helps to explain what is where. The entry is by donation, so free if you are without funds, but do try and leave something to help with the marvelous upkeep of this national treasure.
As we were staying close by in Burton The NMA was at the top of our to do list. I had only seen a glimpse of the memorial on television before so didn't know what to expect. Parking for all day was a very reasonable £3 and entry is free. We went straight to the memorial to see the statues and walls listing all the men and women who have lost their lives in service since WWII. The list seems to go on forever and make yo think of the sacrifices these men and women of the forces make day in and day out. We spent a good few hours looking at all the memorials around the site. One in particular brought me to tears - the stories of young men and boys who were shot for dessertion when in reality they were probably suffering from shell-shock - their families fought hard to have them pardoned and the information said they finally won many albeit many, many years on. As this place relies on donations to keep it open - if you visit, please offer what you can as I can honestly say you will not forget it once you've been.
Once you have been, you will want to keep on visiting.

The whole place just seems to pull you in and grab you.

Well worth the diversion off the A38.
A visit to this memorial is a must just to realise the service people who have given their life since the second world war.
I would recommend getting here early, taking the train ride and then exploring on foot. The site is huge and the train journey explains all parts.
The entry was free which pleasantly surprised me. Donations are voluntary.
Will be going again to see the parts I never got to visit.
It is so serene. The wonderful tributes to fallen heroes of all wars. It is humbling to read the names of fathers,sons and of course mothers/daughters who fought for our country and for other countries to be free of tyranny. Even the courage of animals are honoured at this wonderfully designed memorial.
You need to spend at least half a day to appreciate all that the arboretum has to offer.
This is our second visit, we plan to visit every year from now on.If you haven't been its a must and l promise you will return again and really makes you think of all the people that died so we could live!!Very moving,but not to be missed.Thank you again.Lest we forget......Cheshire.
This is a 'must visit' if you are anywhere near the area. Tho living in New Zealand, I have been lucky enough to visit 3 times - the last was very recent, on a cool but mostly sunny day. We had a buggy, organised by a very knowledgeable relative, & our volunteer driver, Bernard, was also well aware of the history of the area. It meant we saw much more in the available time.
There is so much that shouldn't be missed, but I would suggest: Shot at Dawn, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity Memorial & the Millennium Chapel as well as the most recent Armed Forces Memorial.
Leave plenty of time, wear sensible shoes & take a brolly if it looks like rain - there now is a shelter (& a porta loo) some distance from the main entrance. The gift shop has much to look at with plenty of reasonably priced gifts. A web site is improving all the time & worth studying before visiting.
A lovely site well worth visiting as I did this autumn.The land train is excellent for views of the memorials,trees and river and then a walk to different parts of the arboretum is very rewarding and thought provoking.Looking forward to another visit next year. If you haven't been yet it is well worth the effort and Alrewas itself is a nice place to look around with some good pubs and local beer!
One of the most moving & thought provoking days out. Such beautiful surroundings. Many more trees planted since my last visit & autumn colours were stunning. A place to go to celebrate peace & those who gave so much for it
As we were more or less passing we decided to call at the Memorial Arboretum, having seen it on various news programmes.
It is clearly becoming a special place with that aura that the best of memorials have. Having been to the centre and looked at the lists of names of people who have died since WWII, we walked across the lawns to various other areas.
I was surprised to find, for example that one tree might be in memory of a regiment while the one next to it was for one fallen soldier. However, this became a rather appealing feature.
There are represented men and women from all aspects of all the wars and one gets a feeling of the all-embracing nature of conflict and how many contributions had to be made and how many died making their contribution.
There is a newness, an air of work in progress at present and I think it will well repay another visit in 5 or 10 years when the arboretum aspect has grown
It is wonderful that there is now a central memorial for us in this country.
Everyone should visit here once in their life. I cannot put into words how your visit will 'touch' your heart. Spent four hours here, including lunch in the café. Acres of accessible woodland and memorials. Memories of your visit will stay with you for ever.
Went on a visit, with retired colleagues, on 17th October. I really didn't know what to expect. Seeing the word " arboretum " I thought it would be just trees and plants. How I was delighted to see such wonderful gardens within very tasteful tree plantings. We arrived in time to go to the chapel for the 11 o'clock service, where last post was sounded and a two minutes silence was observed. This was followed by a talk by one of the very knowledgeable volunteer about the concept and designing of the site.
We then walked around, there was a land train available, but we chose to walk. It was so peaceful and beautiful. It was not all military, so many of the gardens were also dedicated to voluntary organisations.
The monument at the top of the hill was so moving. To think the names carved on the walls were of all those killed in conflict since WW2.
There were lots of people visiting. There were many soldiers who had a short service at the monument and groups of school children. The children were really interested and wrote lots of notes, obviously to take back to school to discuss what they had seen.
We only managed to cover half the site and so will definitely be going back.
There is an excellent café serving from cups of tea to well cooked hot meals. Very fairly priced.
We spent 5 hours there and everyone enjoyed the experience.
Called to spend a couple of hours at this memorial but stayed 4 hours and still did not see more than half the site. Many moving and original memorials with tributes to the Japanese prisoners of war especially poignant. Shot at dawn and the main display should give all British citizens reasons to be grateful for those we should remember more often. Must see .very helpful staff.
This is a truly wonderful place, dedicated to so many brave and inspiring people. We didn't get to see all of it as we were with an older person who couldn't walk too far. We did the train tour which gives you a very good account of just some of the wonderful monuments in the Arboretum. We had a very pleasant lunch there and will certainly be going back to see the rest of it.
This is a very well, thought out visitors attraction. The trip on the train is worthwhile as it gives a great deal of information on the reasoning behind the plantings. It is a large area and we were unable to get around it all in one day but it provokes much thought and emotions.
The staff were very friendly and knowledgeable.
It will be very beautiful in a few years when all the trees have grown larger.
The only suggestion I would have would be that it would be beneficial to be allowed to get on and off the train at various spots because it is a long walk back to some areas if you want to visit them in detail. A bit like the London Sightseeing buses?
On Saturday 5th. October I and my Wife had the privilege of attending this magnificent memorial to those who had fallen in service to our Country since WW2. Some 20,000 bikers from all over the Country attended the Memorial service .A very moving occasion indeed.
The facilities at the site were first class with food available.
It is a very large site with memorials set up throughout the land honouring the various Services and Regiments . The Memorial Wall is a must see ,reminding us of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The site is set in beautiful surroundings .Owing to the scale , a complete tour of the Memorial could prove difficult for those less than able.
An excellent venue for quiet contemplation.
NB An annual Countrywide `Ride in` for motorcyclists is organised by RTTW (Ride To The Wall) .Held on the first Saturday in October.
Well worth a visit.
It’s a place that certainly makes you realise just how lucky you are to live here in the UK and the many people that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
Pay the £5 fee to go on the ground tour, it’s a massive place and takes a while to walk around.
Free to get in but donations are welcome, massive respect to all our armed forces.
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