Reddall Fitness

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I recently competed in a white collar boxing event where I worked with Louis for additional technical & fitness sessions as well as dietary advice and meal plans for training and fight day. I found Louis to be personable and very knowledgeable and the sessions we did were of a massive benefit to prepare me for the night. If you are looking for a PT who knows what they are talking about and helps you achieve your goals and also keeps in touch throughout the week to keep you motivated and positive then you definitely need to get in touch. I managed to lose 2 stone in 8 weeks working with Reddall Fitness and got me in the right shapes to compete and also to be a peak performance on the night
Louis gave me a great understanding of how to achieve the goals I want to achieve. I had an in-depth workout plan alongside diet plan and it set me on the right path and now I feel confident to achieve my goals in the gym alone, thank you Louis!
I started going to gym almost every day on weekdays for 3 months, but I couldn’t see any difference on my shape. I was scared to use any gym equipment other than treadmill or rowing machine. I couldn’t keep control on my diet. I was the same weight.

I see Loius at gym regularly when he was training other people. I was impressed by the way he was training them. I approached him for personal training to loose weight and toning. He was friendly and his charges for personal training was reasonable.

I started my training with him in September 2022 after school holidays. I was zero confident on using gym equipment and I was shy to do weight training in front of others.

He offered me if I wanted to join in his half a marathon group. Which I did and met other members of his team. We did run every Sundays for 10 weeks and completed the 1/2 marathon in May. On the marathon day He stayed with me until I complete the 13 miles. I gave up on my half way and he didn’t let me go away from the track. He motivated me and we finished it to gather. It is a biggest achievement in my life, without him I don’t think I will be able to make it happen.

I started loosing my weight gradually and my body shape was changing. I gained a lot of confident about myself. I started dressing up with body shape cloths. I also very concerned about the foods I take and avoided most of the junk foods and sugary foods.

He is a good trainer, even when I wanted to give up, he wouldn’t let me do that. It took me 9months to achieve my goal on weight and the shape. He is flexible with the hours. As a mom I have certain limitation with the hours, he accommodates me whenever he gets a slot.
He also trained my husband. We had a chance to meet him with our family. He is a good friend of ours. He is motivated, hard working, ambitious, and kind hearted person. He helped me to increase my confident and socialisation with others. he makes sure that his clients have to be physically and mentally fit to face the challenges.

I will definitely recommend him to others as a personal trainer.
Amazing Personal Trainer, who motivates and pushes you to achieve your results!! No better time to start than today and get connect with LR Fitness to reach your fitness goals!
Louis has been great traveling to my home gym to give me sessions as a mobile PT. I have been learning different techniques and routines. If you need someone to fit in your diary at home this is the perfect PT.
Louis has helped me so much during my time with him since September doing PTs.
Helped me understand food, knowing what to have to help with the weightloss but also gain muscle growth.
Got over my fear with the scales, I used to hate weighing in each time but over time I grew to understand why the weight differs from water, body fat and muscle.
Got me out my comfort zone and into the whole gym, introducing me to the free weights, learning me different types for different body parts, breaking down each move to correct the form properly.
Pushing me even when I didn't believe in myself and wanted to quit.
I've lost just over a stone since my time with Louis, my body shape has completely changed and my confidence in the gym has grown.
Thank you for your help and support.
At the start of my weight loss journey I was very appreciative at having a PT as I was worried I wouldn’t manage with weights and that I’d really struggle, but from the first session with Louis he put me totally at ease. He breaks everything down step by step to make sure you understand how to do each thing properly, and the importance of doing it right. He is very patient and makes it fun whilst learning. I am a self doubter and when I felt like I couldn’t do something or didn’t get it straight away Louis would try different approaches to make sure I got it right and pushed me out of my comfort zone which is definitely what I needed. Being a complete novice in the free weights section he has helped me get over the fear I had of that section of the gym and now I feel comfortable using weights on my own.
Food was a big issue for me and I wasn’t eating the rights things and Louis has completely changed my mindset regarding food and I now understand the importance of eating the right things to fuel my body for weight loss and building muscle and it is has now become a habit to meal prep and eat the right things.
My body shape has changed lot since starting with Louis in September 2023 my legs and bum are building muscles I didn’t even know I had and my upper body feels much stronger too, along side the food and fitness side of things Louis has helped with my mental health massively and has now become a good friend
I wouldn’t have got this far without his help and support
I started online coaching with Louis last September so I could have a clear detailed plan of how to reach my fitness goals. Louis is great at coaching, he is friendly, hardworking and very knowledgeable. He is committed to helping you achieve your goals and is always checking in to make sure you're staying on track.
I have made great progress since training with Louis and would definitely recommend him to anyone
Working with Louis has been a great experience, I have worked with him for the past 6 months and I have made great progress within this time. I have a physical disability called cerebral palsy which limits my ability to walk. Louis has been able to adapt to this by tailoring the workout plans to me allowing me to get the most out of the time I have. My strength and coordination abilities have improved massively as I am able to lift double what I could lift before on leg press. Louis has given me a tailored diet plan which has helped me with my muscle growth and strength gains. When I started with Louis, I was very unstable on my legs and over time with the help of Louis, I have become much more stable on my legs which is amazing. I have been able to build a strong personal relationship with Louis as he is always there to listen to my worries and concerns and support me.
I wish Louis all the best in the future!!!
I have recently joined Bloxwich Active leisure centre and I met there my personal instructor Louis.
He embodies key qualities of motivation, encouragement, reliability, friendliness, and focus.His positive and supportive approach contributes significantly to a conducive fitness environment.
I would recommend Louis for your future training and progression!
Louis has been my PT for 3 months and is helping me reach my goals of getting back into the gym and getting stronger.
He’s really knowledgeable, friendly and hard working.
I you recommend Louis to anyone, wether you are new and just starting out or very active and looking to push yourself to the next level.
After health conditions and loosing ability in my left side I was in a poor mental state and desperately needed some active routine to not only keep me busy but help restore connection to my muscles again.. when meeting Louis he listened to all that I have been through with my health and took it all into consideration I felt comfortable and confident enough to start having pt sessions with him :) he has really helped me build up not only my strength in my muscles but also my confidence when it comes to being independent with my activity. He has always been helpful with knowing what my body needs with exercise and nutrition.

For anyone who is looking for a pt I can confidently say Louis is a real bubbly guy who can and will listen to your personal goals and has amazing results, I would definitely recommend him to anyone.
Louis is a fantastic trainer! Friendly, committed, and thoroughly knowledgeable. He'll take you through everything you need to know, give you goals that are achievable, and check up regularly to make sure you're progressing. I definitely wouldn't have been able to progress as much as I have without his help.
Very nice environment, the cycling and Zumba classes are one of a kind and gym with a swimming view...
Louis is a very determined PT
He has helped me realise I am stronger than I thought and he really knows what he is speaking about, Food and exercise are a must and you will really see the scales change listening to Louis’s advice
Has really set a milestone in the PT sessions that when you train on your own you can hear his advice, his willingness and willpower to help achieve and push in every exercise you do
Just finished 12 weeks with Louis.
Really enjoyed it. He’s very knowledgeable, encouraging and kept me accountable.
I have lost weight , gained muscle and I can see that my shape has started to change. I also feel a lot more energetic.
If your looking for a kick start to your health journey Louis is the man to see
My sister introduced me to Louis as I wasn't a gym person and had only just joined. I am 6ft 7 and of slim build so I wanted to put on some muscle but too unmotivated and shy to go to the gym. I had louis as my personal trainer and have now noticed a positive change in my appearance. I am happy and now more confident with myself and happy to be able to continue with a regime on my own going forward. Louis pushed me much more than I would have done on my own and I definitely felt the aches. But all worth it 👌
After a lifetime of fad diets and joining then leaving gyms I found Louis, and thank god I did! Been 13 weeks of training so far and I feel the best I have ever felt both mentally and physically. I can now walk in the gym with confidence knowing what I’m doing instead of aimlessly looking around going on the treadmill and leaving 🤣 Louis also trains my son who is autistic and the way he connected to him and made him feel safe is unreal! If your after a pt then look no further Louis is your guy 💪🏼
I am 61 years of age, exercising all my life, doing cadio. Due to the pain, wear & tear in my knees. Louis showed another way to train and for somone of age the results were superb. Great sessions, thanks Louis
My journey with Louis started in August 2021 and I had 3 training sessions per week. My original plan was to work with a personal trainer for a short period to help build my confidence with different gym equipment as I felt stuck and I wasn't able to reach my goals independently. From the first to last session with Louis I was pushed beyond what I thought I was capable of, both physically and mentally, which is why I couldn't stop after just a few months of training. I continued with Louis for over a year as I could clearly see and feel the results which inspired me to continue. I have built muscle, strength and confidence and I am a different person to who I was last August. Never in a million years did I think I could achieve the results I have and I am confident that I will sustain my results as part of my new lifestyle. Louis guided me with the nutritional aspects too which was useful as I am a vegan and a previous personal trainer I worked with had no idea what to advise me. My advice to anyone who feels like they are stuck with their fitness and confidence when it comes to the gym and exercising is to reach out to Louis. Louis is committed to what he does and is extremely supportive in helping to reach your goals. He has helped me to change my mindset on fitness and pushing myself to achieve more.
Louis has been brilliant ! I have always been scared to go the gym let alone get a personal trainer, but he made me feel so comfortable and confident. He is very passionate about his job and helping people always giving it 100%.
I have learnt so much about my ability’s and been made to push myself. He goes above and beyond not only in the gym but also helping me with what to eat which is what I was really unsure on going into this.
I have learn so much and can’t thank him enough
Louis understood what I wanted to achieve through training from the first initial meeting, setting me at ease and talking through next steps clearly. Each new routine, exercise and programme, Louis was patient and encouraging. But also clearly knew when he could push me to my PB.
I feel I’ve gained the confidence to really push my body, and the change in shape and definition is clear to see. Thanks 😊
I've been going to the gym for a few years now but only really focused on cardio, my diet wasn't right I was eating 2 meals a day with no snacks. I spoke to Louis about my goals I wanted to achieve in the gym and how I could maintain this with my busy life. Louis was so patient and pushed me to my limits! In total I lost 10kg with Louis! Louis helped me build my strength up with weights which I really enjoyed and also helped me change my body composition. In total I did 14 weeks with Louis, I looked forward to my Weekley sessions with him as he was always teaching me something new. I would highly recommend louis and his services he is so friendly but also pushes you to do your best.
Helped me so much with mixing my workouts and providing me with accurate nutritional information which allowed my diet to be beneficial but also enjoyable. Would highly recommend
I started working with Louis in February and I can safely say I do not regret it and have made unreal progress.

I was previously working with an online coach and my results were underwhelming so I needed a change. As soon as I started working with Louis my strength started increasing rapidly and I gained 4 kg in 3 months. We made changes to my training program and he taught me better form on compound lifts. I cannot recommend him enough and he is the best investment you can make to better yourself.
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