Reddall Fitness

5/5 based on 72 reviews
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I have been with Louis since the middle of December. My goal was to loose weight and become fitter and healthier. I was really worried at first to have a personal trainer as I was a beginner and had no confidence or clue where to start. Straight away Louis made me feel comfortable and made every session fun. I enjoy every session, Louis pushes you to your limits which has allowed me to achieve things I never thought I could! Not only does Louis provide fun and challenging sessions he also helps massively with the nutrition side. He makes daily checks with you to see what you have been eating and also makes the time to check how your feeling yourself. He also provides advice and corrects you on what you can do better to achieve your goals. Louis genuinely cares about every single one of his clients and always goes above and beyond to help them reach their goals! Louis has helped me gain more confidence and has made the process of my transformation so much fun and I cannot thank him enough.
I would highly recommend Louis as a personal trainer for anyone!
I’ve been with Louis now for just over 4 months and I can honestly say he has changed my life. Not only does he work on your physical strength, fitness and nutrition, he helps build your confidence and gets you into the most positive head space to get to your goals.
I first came to Louis in December not really knowing what to do in the gym and needed guidance on how to use the machines and what machines/exercises would benefit me the most. I was nervous to start having a personal trainer as I knew I’d get pushed out of my comfort zone but I knew I needed that push to succeed. Louis instantly put me at ease and I was comfortable with him straight away.
Due to lockdown, I was only able to do 4 sessions in the gym and had to start outdoor sessions which focused on the more cardio side of things such as jogging and perfecting certain techniques such as squats.
After doing outside sessions for around 3 months, I was eager to get back into the gym to start more weight based exercises and straight away I was able to lift weights I never thought I could have back in December.
I still have work to do on my body but I know that with Louis I will get there and get that body I’ve alway wanted.
Louis isn’t just my PT now, he’s such a good friend and honestly cares about you and wants you to achieve everything you want.
I couldn’t recommend Louis enough💜
I’ve suffered with back pain for several years now and due to this I’ve avoided any form of exercise in fear it would make the pain worse. I decided to sign up with Louis with the hope to improve my fitness and over the last few months he has pushed me with my fitness and shown me I am capable of much more than I thought. I feel my fitness has improved a great deal over this time. Louis has tailored my sessions to suit my individual needs and he also offers daily nutritional support to ensure you stay on track with food. I would recommend anyone who wants to get into fitness to get in touch with him.
Since starting training with Louis ive managed to lose over a stone and a half. Although ive got previous experience in fitness i did lose motivation and direction. Louis has been fantastic in supporting me in gaining my confidence and drive to gain my end goal. Louis took all my aspirations and targets and put together a bespoke training programme that pushes me everytime i train. Louis is consistant in his support and it doesn't end at the end of a training session daily updates have been essential in helping me achieve my goals ! Big thanks to Louis ...if you're looking for a professional trainer louis is perfect for the job.
My friend recommended Louis to me as a PT. I had previously had a baby, and hadn’t exercised for a significant period of time. I was struggling with my motivation, and confidence to get back into fitness again. Unfortunately due an ankle injury, and other responsibilities my PT sessions came to an end sooner than I had planned. However in that short time Louis has helped me improve my fitness levels, and given me the confidence, and motivation to continue. His sessions are creative which has allowed me to find exercises which I enjoy. He also provides guidance around nutrition when needed. I would recommend Louis as a PT for anyone who needs that push back into fitness.
Louis is a brilliant PT, he has trained my son over the last 6 months and has been coaching and mentoring him during this time, he gives guidance on nutrition and exercise regime outside of sessions.

He goes out his way to call my son and check to see if he is keeping up with the nutrition and exercise plan and also contacts me for extra feedback on his food what he can have and not have.

He has been motivating my son to surpass his physical limits and pushes him to do better every session.

My son ran 3 miles first time ever with lewis in 28 min which is a massive massive achievement for his age Louis said which im very happy and impressed with.

He also does boxing with Louis and has come in tremendously through the process , learning skill and correct techniques he absolutely loves it and now has a new passion.

Great experience with Louis, glad we found him I highly recommend.
I’ve been with Louis for about 10 weeks now. I’ve had a PT before, so knew what to expect but was looking to focus on fitness and HiIT training through lockdown. Louis is disciplined and committed with his clients and does go above and beyond, always contactable and showing interest in your progress. He’s flexible, which was important for me with a busy work schedule. The sessions are always varied and tailored, he doesn’t just pull out a standard plan! He invests a lot of personal time on his clients, always reaching out and checking-in. I’d definitely recommend Louis, he has clients of all standards so will be able to help you work out and achieve your goals.
I have now been with Louis for a little over 8 weeks, after him first being recommended to me by a close friend, who is doing brilliantly by the way. During the first month I lost a stone which was amazing as I originally wanted a PT to help show me the ropes particularly around weights and techniques as I had always felt intimidated when going to a gym alone, with no experience and very little confidence unless it was a class.
I thought the lockdown period would be a perfect time to do this and get a PT especially as the gyms were closed and felt apprehensive about not being able to work out.
Since I started training with Louis my fitness levels have doubled more than I would have ever hoped for and I feel so much better physically for it, he has pushed me out of my comfort zone and introduced me to new ways of training, building my confidence each time.
He is very patient and puts lots of time and care into providing you with a first class experience, nothing is too much for him.
He makes the plan personal to you and your needs and will always be there to guide you through the process.
I would highly recommend Louis, no matter what your goals are, I am confident that he will be able to help you achieve them.
Thanks to Louis I have managed to lose 2 and half stone in the time I've been with him, which at current is 20 weeks. I've gained a lot of muscle and lost a lot of fat which has really helped with my confidence, the training is tough but if you want results then it needs to be tough, but I say bring it on there's no better feeling than seeing yourself go from a 14-15 minute mile to my current best time of 6:25 for 1 mile. With all the help Louis has given I couldn't have asked for a better trainer, especially with going into the army, he's prepared me in ways I'd never thought off. Louis also does weekday check ins as well so you know what you need to be doing and if your eating correctly for what your working on, which with me really helped as I was eating loads pilled up plated of food now eat more healthy, I can do a lot more than I used to all because of the nutrition and training. They say getting the nutrition correct is a key part and now I understand why. I would definitely rate him 5 of 5 stars as he can have a good laugh with you as well as train you, he's not like other personal trainers who stand there on their phones he's there in the moment with you encouraging and pushing you to both your physical and mental limits and sometimes past that, but past the limits is what makes you stronger, faster and more resilient.
I have been working with Lewis for coming up to 4 months now!

Since I started with Lewis I knew what I wanted, which was to develop my power and speed for my football and improve my strength whilst doing so. However, I had no idea on where to start or what I should do to achieve that goal!

Lewis has really supported and helped me develop the clarity on what I needed to do in order to achieve my goals and has worked tirelessly to help deliver quality sessions to suit my goals and desires and so I can achieve my greatest results.

He is always over delivering by contacting me after sessions ensuring I’m doing well and to see how I am post session. Lewis is very approachable and easy to get along with which has really supported and helped my progress.

Every problem I have had, whether it be injuries or complications, Lewis has catered to all my needs and ensured I get the best results possible. He is always pushing me past what I think is possible and always giving me new challenges to get me out of my comfort zone

My speed, agility, strength and power have completely evolved since working with Lewis, and through all his support and training, I have been able to hit my peak physical condition.

Anybody who is looking to improve themselves physically, I would fully recommend allowing Lewis to train you. He will get you working and pushing past a point you believe is possible which is all you need to become your best physical self
I have been with Louis for 4 nearly 5 weeks training for the British army. We have intense sessions every time - which is good because the army won’t be lenient. While training I noticed a difference in my body and my strength had progressed within a week. Went from not being able to do a single push up to being able to do about 10. I couldn’t run 1 mile without stopping and wanting to walk for majority of the way to start with. But now because of Louis’s persistency and encouragement I don’t stop ✋🏽... my breathing technique has gotten so much better. I had an injury for about a week and a half on my knee so while I was recovering from this Louis had altered my sessions to focus on my upper body, strength and composure while we waited for my injury to get better.
Now we can enjoy the full sessions being able to do runs etc.
Louis has also helped so much with my mental health so much. From feeling like I had no one to suddenly feeling like I had made a friend in Louis, he’s always there no matter what to help and advise.
To get fit and strong, or even just wanting to do something to better yourself, Louis is your man☺️❤️
I'm 8 weeks into my 12 week transformation programme with Louis. He has provided both physical and mental support throughout. My training sessions and the nutritional advice have been tailored to suit my lifestyle.
I'm really starting to see the results physically and mentally, my confidence is growing and my strength and endurance are increasing week by week. Louis has been creative with his sessions as we've been restricted to outdoors only. He manages to push me to my limits without compromising enjoyment.
I started with Louis in October, I have had numerous sessions with him. He is a devoted and supportive coach that always goes the extra mile. In total I have lost 2st 9lb but I did have a break during the covid outburst due to having a child in shielding. Louis has been patient during this period and still continued giving his support.

I fully recommend
I have had PT sessions with Lewis for almost 3 months now, he structured a plan around my goals and gave me the motivation to stick to it. He has invested a lot of time into my goals and aspirations, not only in the gym but outside too. He regularly checks up on me to see how my eating has been and updates me with anything he feels may help. Other than the obvious physical gains he has been a big help mentally, giving me regular support when needed and something to focus on with added structure to my busy schedule. Overall he really has pushed me to a level I never thought was possible. Lewis is a very recommended PT in my eyes and I urge you to look to him over anyone else. Thanks Lewis
I’ve been training with Louis for a few weeks now and it is the best decision I decided to do , I was very worried having a Pt as at first I wasn’t very confident with weights however Louis puts in 100% effort when training you and pushes you to make sure you reach your limit and more. Not only does he train you but provides help with your nutrition to , he makes sure you are aware what you should be eating to get your max results . He is very friendly and makes you feel comfortable with what your doing. Since training with him I have seen a lot of progression in my strength and physique and also feel a lot happier in myself . If your looking for a Pt I would definitely recommend going with him!!
I have been training with Louis for about 11 months and have seen a big change in my fitness levels, physique and diet. He makes each session fun and challenging, pushing you past your limit to achieve things you didn't think you could.
Louis also guides you with your nutrition, offering feedback daily and is always there if you need any help or advice.
If you're looking for a PT that's is friendly, hardworking and passionate about helping clients achieve their fitness goals then I would highly recommend Louis Reddall.
I can honestly say that I wouldn't be where I am now without Louis and I am looking forward to continuing my training with him..
Only had a few sessions with Louis due to Covid and lockdown but can’t fault him. He’s committed on advising you on your diet and encourages and advises you what you should be eating. As for training he works you so hard and pushes you... He gave me confidence to lift weights I never thought I could. He really knows his stuff 👍👍
It took me well over a year to pluck the courage to actually get a personal trainer, as I believed that it perhaps be a waste of time / money and or way too difficult to get the results I wanted, after all I have no intentions of becoming a super model!
I was first approached by Louis who just asked me “what I was attempting to do with the training I was completing on my own?” quite a question indeed as I soon found out I was doing totally the incorrect things and was perhaps wasting my own time.
I have been with Louis for 5 weeks now and have just signed up for another 5 weeks, and I can safely say it was one of my better decisions as I’m not only a tad slimmer, I am much fitter and just feel better about myself.
The training session I have with Louis have been fun, sweaty……very sweaty, very very sweaty (As im sure Louis will vouch for), hard but not impossible, but on the whole an enjoyable experience.
I’ve found Louis a pleasant, trust worthy, courteous, humorous, driven and ambitious individual, who always has time for chats both in and outside the gym, and he will push you all through the sessions….. what more could you ask for!!
Would I recommend Louis……absolutely without any hesitancy, if you’re considering a personal trainer this in my opinion is the guy for you.
Fantastic support and really engaging 1:1 sessions. He is very motivated and works with you to meet your goals. His advice on nutrition and techniques are stellar and can be very flexible around your time.
Louis is very professional and passionate about his carer, this shines through in his personality. He always believes in you and only wants what is best for his clients, to see change and happiness within them. Louis has pushed me past boundaries I never though I would meet.
Looking forward to continuing my journey with the continued support, advice and guidance
I would highly recommend Louis as a personal trainer without hesitation.
He is very passionate about his job and gives 24/7 ,supporting my goals with
Nutritional advise which I have often forgotten about & so much more to say the least 🙏🏻
I started practicing with him from January with a break of ,4 months for the virus COVID 19
Louis plans each training session very well, My body is changing for the better with each passing month,
I plan to continue working with him
Thanks Louis for that 🙏🏻 😇
PS English isnt my first language
Hardworking, committed and focused!
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