Paradise Wildlife Park

4.6/5 based on 7652 reviews
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fantastic day out for children lots of fun things to do we used money of vouchers but even if we did not have them the full price would have been worth it the staff were very helpful . lots of eating and drinks areas lots of seating and picnic areas i would go there again .
Living in Cheshunt this is merely five minutes drive away from me and so I have been here about four or five times in the past six years. It is a great park that caters for all ages. The animals are loved and well looked after, and the staff show such great enthusiasm when talking to guests about the animals. There is a vast array of animals that you can see in enclosures that are more than adequate. My favourites are the Red Pandas but all the big cats are simply awesome with the White Tiger being great to photograph. My niece and nephew love the place and want to come back again soon, and so do I!
A tour around the big cats with the head keeper followed by tea over looking the tiger enclosure. Really informative and great viewing of the cats but the group size was a bit too big. Lovely food watching the tigers waiting for theirs.
Thoroughly enjoyed the park experience, so much to see and really interesting. The only criticism was that the bus driver tried charging us on the 'free' shuttle service to the train station. Be warned!
We have been to Paradise Wildlife park several times now. A couple of times using vouchers via amazon local.
This park is such great value for money. There is absolutely loads for the kids to do. Great play areas. There is animal feeding going on every 15 mins approximately, the staff there are friendly and knowledgeable about the animals, they welcome questions. Good eating places, indoor soft play, and good selection of animals, buggy friendly. All round a brilliant day out!
I've visited and fed the tigers here a few years ago and last month I was lucky enough to fed another amazing large cat, the white lions. I will only visit and support zoos, wildlife parks who have a breeding program in situ to promote conservation to keep an endangered species alive. I met and hand fed Moto and his two little girls although they really were not so little. Moto weighs 560lb and on his back legs stretched stood well over 7ft. The keeper of these incredible creatures is called Ian who has an immense amount of knowledge, loves them dearly, and in fact helped to hand rear Moto from a cub. He's passionate about what he does and believes like I do that if poaching and hunting doesn't stop lions and all the big cats will be extinct in a very short few years.
This park is small, but it has a very wide range of animals to see, all fairly close up too. They all looked loved and well cared for disregarding what some of these other posts say, it is a very well kept wildlife park.
Instead of moaning about having to pay for extras, educate yourselves and your children about the true and real meaning of this park.... Do you want to see these creatures in years to come, if you do, support it because sadly, these places are needed to keep some species alive.
The keepers are friendly, informative and happy to talk to you even though they have to work to a schedule.
It is on the flat and very accessible for the disabled. The facilities are plenty for the size of the park.
I'd never heard of one let alone seen one but thanks to Paradise Wildlife Park I'm in love with them .... Take the kids they will love it as much as th adults do!!
This is a great park for the young and the not so young.All the animals are well looked after and cared for.The staff have great respect for visitors and are so willing to speak to you.Keep up the good work of this fine establishment. X
This place is just great. I was given a Lemur experience here and to be honest it was the first time I'd heard of it. I much prefer the smaller, more personal touch that Paradise gives, as opposed to ZSL Whipsnade or Woburn Safari Park. I found the staff to be very friendly, with lots of guests who have very high expectations. I think people need to remember that the park is looking after these animals and helping towards conservation - they're not just there for your entertainment.
There are so many things to do at Paradise, from the experience days, to lunch in the cafe, to wandering between enclosures. The Tiger Walk is a brilliant part of the park as it allows you to see the animals from above rather than having kids banging on glass and fences to get their attention.
I've booked a Meercat experience next and I'm even looking into the Taiper one. There are so many to choose from I'm spoilt for choice :)
The most enjoyable park I have been to the feeding of the reindeers was a favourite with the children
We enjoyed the park very much, lots to do and great for our toddler.

We did howeve have an unfortunate experience with Leigh on the entrance gate. The park was supposed to open at 9.30 but none of the ticket windows were open even at 9.35 with long queues forming. Another member of staff, Roy, kindly gestured us forward to Leigh's ticket window. She seemed extremely irritated that we were there as she said she still had paperwork to complete! She asked us why we had come to the window when it still had the 'closed' sign on it. We explained that Roy had ushered us forward, at which point poor Roy got a massive telling-off! In front of the customer it was very unprofessional. How does Leigh expect people to get into the park with no ticket windows open?

I heard other people remarking how rude she had been. I suggest the manager has words about what customer service means!
Have been here so many times i cannot count as growing up twenty minutes away from PWP. The food is EXCELLENT, the cafe staff are helpful, the animals and their keepers are B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T!! Honestly just the best day, the zoo is amazing, good amount of stuff to do and & you can now even sleep over night!! recommend to anyone!
There is so much to see at Paradise Park, that allowing yourself a full day is a good idea.
The animals are clearly looked after very well, and they seem happy.
It's a great place for children too. Not only the experience of meeting the animals, but there's plenty of kiddie amusements too.
Large restaurant, which is always busy. But the food is good, as is the service.
Fantastic day out.
We had a fantastic day at Paradise Wildlife park, we went as we had a gift voucher for brunch with the tigers.

The brunch with the tigers experience means that you sit in a cafe which is part of the enclosure whilst served breakfast. The tigers are on the platform opposite it which are really close to you.
The zoo keep gives a talk about the the tigers.

We then when on a tour of the big cats at the zoo with the zoo keeper and she explained the history of the park, the animals and where the big cats came from.
We even got to peak inside the sleeping quarters of the snow leopards as they wasn't in the main area and the zoo keeper was worried we would miss them. This was really special for us.

The zoo is clean, accessible and set out well and the staff are friendly.

Top Tips:

If you're going on the brunch with tigers you will be a group of about 20 people, when you're walking to the cafe as a group, try to be at the front so you can get the tables that's closest to the window of the tiger enclosure.

Take a packed lunch

There is buses that go to and from the park, we didn't know this and got a taxi instead which is about £5.00 from the train station, one way.
I have visited this Park on and off for over 30 years and still never get fed up of it. As well as myself, my children have grown up visiting this park. Now I get the chance to take my Grandson.
Would recommend this to everyone.
Prices seem at first as a little expensive but get the weather and there is no better value around.
Also bearin mind where the admittance fees go.... the upkeep of the park, animal research and conservation.
The Park is constantly upgrading and improving and long may it continue..... I will definately be visiting a gain soon.
Started our day Meeting the Meerkats what a fantastic experience :-) the Meerkats were great fun and the knowledge of Ricky our one to one Zookeeper was great...he took lots of photos for us too! An experience would recommend :-) After we went around the other animals in the Park and this was fantastic too...the Park is small but the compounds have been made excellent and the viewing areas outstanding.Highly recommended i will be telling everyone :-)
We went here cause my work were doing a day out here (ocado fest) what a brill day we had my partner loved it and my son had a wicked day there is loads to do at the park from animals to play areas and even a speedway museum witch was brill. The facilites were were brill to really nice shop and very clean toilets. Never had food there but smelt nice and looked good. Lots of animals to see and they all looked happy and well looked after. Would recomend this place to anyone and if in area would go again.
Always love it here, admission price is reasonable, plenty of animals, educational and fun. I'd recommend to anyone with children best place in and around its area by far.
I took my twin girls here for their second birthday, along with my three nieces. The weather was forecast to be a little rainy on the day so I was quite worried about the whole experience, nevertheless it was great fun. The good thing about this place is that there is a wide range of things to do whether it be outdoor or indoors. An adult ticket does cost £18 and a child costs £15, however we managed to get a deal online which was £10 for every £23 spent which worked out great, I would therefore advise that you scout for voucher codes for this place as there are loads on the internet.
On arrival there is a huge car park which is fabulous and when you go into the park everything is laid out great, everything is included in the fee except for food and the train within the park (which we never had time to go on) which costs £1 each. The animals at the park are fantastic, our highlight was the lions and tigers. There are huge fencing around them, however the park has great viewing spots from high above, where you climb stairs to be able to watch the animals and take great photos without the fencing at the front. You end up taking some really close up pictures as if you were right next to them. These high viewing spots are also suitable for those with prams and wheelchair, so its brilliant. There are plenty of animals, including tigers, jaguars, monkeys, pigs, sheep, ponies, parrots, owls, camels, penguins, zebra’s, however I did hear many spectators say that London Zoo has larger animals and Colchester Zoo being even better. Nevertheless, with huge activities including bird shows, hourly theatre shows, bouncy castles, pirate area consisting of swings and slides, indoor soft play area, outdoor paddling pool … really can’t complain. There are so much activities that the whole day won’t be enough to do everything.
The food is a little disappointing, not many restaurants on offer so I do advise to bring your own packed lunch which is permitted. We ended up eating at a diner restaurant and a kids meal of four nuggets and fries including a bottle of fizzy drink cost £5.60. It tasted okay, but compared to other theme parks it was not great. I think this is a fantastic day out suited for all children, lots of space for them to run around and enjoy it. My twins are aged two and thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, my biggest highlight of the day was the lions, when they roared the whole place trembled, it was such an experience and then watching them being fed was even more of an extraordinary experience to watch. With the discount code vouchers, I say this is a cheap, worthwhile day out and I would love to go back there again to see the rest of the park I missed.
better then London Zoo for big cats, a little dated in places but mostly in good condition and kept clean.
if you choose to eat here the food is better then expected.
£1 per way from Broxbourne Station and ample parking if you drive

for my 29th birthday i "fed the red pandas" they are amazing and the staff were very nice and even let my girlfriend come with us to prepare the food. unfortunately they did not let me take one home!
A Tiger Tea Experience voucher brought us to the park - but there was so much more to experience. We arrived a few hours before our experience to fully enjoy the park and were pleasantly surprised in every way.
There are so many different animals! Around every corner we discovered something new - from sloths to noisy gibbons to otters! The meerkats were my absolute favourite.
My husband had great fun feeding the farmyard animals with a bag of food (especially the friendly pig and the sweet little black lamb).
The best thing about this park is how very close you can get to all the animals - this is so unusual at such parks. At the end of the day you feel you have really seen and experienced so many different creatures - and learnt so much about them from the information boards.
As for the Tiger Tea, this was a fantastic experience - the keeper was so passionate and knowledgeable - we admired his dedication to the cause. We saw and learnt so much about all the different big cats. It was so nice that there was so much time for us - it was not a quick tour round.
A real conservation gem with committed staff who are doing great things.
The only disappointing point was that we had to leave at the end of the day - but we will be back very soon!!
Expensive entry but on reflection, well worth it. The animals seem well cared for and content. The park is cleverly laid out creating a sense of space. There are lots of talks and feeding times to wander between. The bird show is the best in my opinion. The presenter could slow down her speech speed a little and consider the foreign tourists a bit. Otherwise, very professional.
A good day out and plenty for the kids to do so they don't get bored and annoy the adults!
My boyfriend and I went to Paradise Wildlife Park as we got given a Tiger Tea experience for Christmas. It was such a great day out that we both really enjoyed! There is so much to do and see within the park, we particularly enjoyed feeding some of the animals.

The Tiger Tea experience was also great, really thought provoking and great to hear about the animals in greater detail. Our tour guide Ian was excellent, really passionate and inspiring!

I would highly recommend to anyone!
Returned to Paradise Park for the first time in a about 3 years and was left somewhat disillusioned with the experience, mostly to do with the enclosures of some of the animals. Although clearly there had been some development in recent times some of the animal enclosures were simply too small and some of the animals seem very bored and just paced up and down the same the same beaten path.

The 4 white lions had an enclosure which seemed much too small and devoid of any stimulus and a female reindeer with it's calf just paced around in circles on concrete in a compact compound. A leopard which had been rescued was in a very small side enclosure and although a sign explained it had been rescued in 2010 and was being rehabilitated that was some 4 years ago!! It didn't seem to have any problems lunging at the glass wall of its cage at the children who kept tapping annoyingly on the glass despite having 'problems with its legs.'

Entry prices are very high, on a par with Colchester Zoo which is obviously much larger. The children's play side to the park is presumably factored into the pricing, fine if you have younger children but expensive if you have young teenagers not making use of these facilities making the £16 fee very costly. £19 for adults, much too high for the size of the zoo. Why no family rate entry?

There is a lot to enjoy at the park and the keepers clearly are close to their animals. The Bird Show was great and the Big Cats in the larger enclosures magnificent. Would think twice about going back though and recommending the park because of the enclosures and expense.
I wouldn't call this a wildlife park, more of a childrens amusement park with a small collection of animals. I felt some of the animals looked distressed as they paced up and down and felt the need to leave. Certainly not worth the entrance fee.
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