Lichfield Cathedral

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Lichfield is well know for its 3 spir cathedral and does not disappoint when visited. Beautiful architecture and a wealth of history attached.
Definitely worth a visit. Attended a service, the sound of the organ was fabulous. The Chapter House containing the history of the 'second oldest book in the country' was very interesting.
Having seen quite a few cathedrals this one was ok. Erasmus darwins house nearby and some nice shops too. I would imagine you only need an hour here tops but very picturesque
Very 'user friendly' place to visit with knowledgeable and helpful staff To see and absorb the history of this building and the events surrounding it need at least one full day more so be prepared!
A beautiful place. We stayed for choral evensong and were treated to a lovely service. The choir were amazing.
Any Cathedral is worth a visit but the location of this one makes it different with Lichfield being so small a city. For the cost of a small donation this is excellent value for money.
Lichfield has been a regular haunt for my wife and I who continue to enjoy the tranquility and quintessential historical ambience of Staffordshire's premier heritage city. Its diverse architecture, boasts the only mediaeval English Cathedral with three spires. And when you visit, make a point of asking why they appear to lean? Lichfield is just seventeen miles north of Birmingham, and lies at the heart of England. 1300 years ago it stood at the centre of the Kingdom of Mercia. When Chad was made Bishop of Mercia in 669 he moved his See from Repton to Lichfield, which may already have been a holy site since there is a legend that Christians were martyred there under the Roman Emperor Diocletian. When Chad died in 672 pilgrims began to come to his shrine, and in 700, Bishop Hedda built a new church to house his bones. Starting in 1085 and continuing through the twelfth century this Saxon church was replaced by a Norman Cathedral, and then by this architecturally magnificent Gothic Cathedral, circa 1195. Steeped in history, Lichfield is a great place to visit, especially if you are genuinely interested in history and admiring incredible architecture. I confess that nearly a decade ago, my art work was displayed at Lichfield Cathedral's Chapters Restaurant and College Hall, but we now satisfy ourselves with checking out other artists and photographers who exhibit their work around the County, many of whom, were inspired to paint and pen poetry. There are several watering holes and diners within easy reach of the Cathedral. We especially enjoy the occasional afternoon de-caf tea or coffee accompanied by a light dessert. I guess, you may be right in thinking we are slightly biased, but, if you enjoy tranquility , pleasant surroundings and are inspired by amazing architecture, then Lichfield Cathedral will fire your imagination and meet your high expectations. It never ceases to amaze us; and, despite visiting for many years, we always seem to find something new to explore or discuss.

We are confident that Lichfield Cathedral is one of the most interesting religious buildings you will visit in England.

Paul R
It is quite simply amazing when you view the Cathedral from the inside for the first time including the ornate architecture and the acoustics during the progression of a service nearer the front of the church. It is also one of the most impressive and visible structures when you first approach Lichfield. It is rich in history with its own museum with pieces dating back to Saxon times. Well worth a visit if you are near the area.
This is well worth a visit (one of the best in Britain) , if there is a service on you may have to wait until noon, but there are places to have lunch nearby. They have part of the Staffordshire "Hoard" on display which are jewelry grade pieces of metal from the the year 700. They are decorative pieces from ceremonial swords, etc. Take a look at the upstairs section, there are some very nice stained glass windows. The Museum is free, but you can make a contribution or buy something in the bookstore.
there is nothing not to like about this breathtaking cathedral. I would say it is on par with Lincoln and York minster which is saying something. I loved the architecture and exploring all the nooks and crannies and looking at al the findings. a beautiful and tranquil place. would love to climb the tower next time! oh and it is FREE!!!
If you go to Lichfield then the Cathedral is a must place to visit. The architecture is amazing and it is very peaceful and tranquil. A few hours visit there is required as there is so much history to take in.
Lichfield cathedral is most definately worth a visit it is so interesting to see all the architechture alone is so incredible with its three spires ,also to do the tour of it by candlight is not to be missed ,we go and visit quite often
Nothing to dislike. Everything to like. Much to see and needs plenty time to appreciate all the history.
V.enjoyable classical music concert with amazing acoustics and atmosphere. The musicians received a standing ovation
This beautiful cathedral has so much amazing detail everywhere - from stone sculptures to floor tiles to stained glass windows - that it's hard to take it all in. The volunteers on the door were very welcoming when we arrived, providing us with a helpful leaflet explaining the key features of the cathedral but then leaving us to enjoy it at our own pace. We were struck by the air of calm and serenity that filled this ancient building, and by the sense of being removed from the modern world - once we got outside again, I noticed the change in atmosphere straight away. Surprisingly, for an attraction of this type, there is no entry fee - donations from visitors to help with upkeep are welcomed, although by no means demanded. This may not be one of the UK's most well-known cathedrals, but it is definitely worth a visit - overall, a very pleasant surprise.
The building itself is interesting to say the least. Look up at the roof bosses. Check out the choir corbel carvings and the choirstall wood carvings. The music is (mostly) superb - I attended two services. There are two closes, both well worth seeing.
This is a working piece of heritage of which we can be proud. I am not normally one for churches etc but I found it very tranquil to walk around and soak up the ancient atmosphere, after some initial guidance and advice from some very kind and helpful volunteer staff. Chapter House especially interesting, as well as a section of medieval wall painting that I found a moving link with the past. Entrabce free but I was quite happy to make a donation to upkeep.
It is a well preserved cathedral in a very well preserved city. There are lots of nooks and crannys to explore in the acthedral and it also has a link to NZ for any Kiwis visiting. The head of the church visited Canterbury (NZ) many years ago and his story and some drawings can be found at the far end of the cathedral on the right hand side. An interesting diversion.
Its nice to asked if you would like make a donation Instead of being ripped of by so called grander cathedral's. Very helpful staff.
The architecture is magnificent and the atmosphere is wonderful. There is much to explore and the guides are excellent.
I have visited the cathedral in Lichfield many times. The position, near the city centre, makes it so easy to meander around the outside of the building. There is an amazing view as you approach the entrance of the cathedral. I have had the privilege of attending Christmas productions that the cathedral permits a local special school to present annually. When there was an army barracks just outside Lichfield I have witnessed the soldiers marching through the streets culminating in a service at Lichfield Cathedral. The cathedral is an integral part of the local community and is well supported by the public. To sum up my views of Lichfield Cathedral in one word - amazing.
We need calm oases like Lichfield Cathedral in a frantic world where motion seems too often to take precedence over stillness and quiet, so my comment is a general and not specifically Christian one. However, I do think Lichfield Cathedral is exceptionally beautiful and a recent visit gave me great pleasure. The Cathedral is well ordered, with clear information to help the visitor understand and appreciate the spiritual and historical importance of what is to be seen.
Great building to look at from the outside with the three spires. Did not like being accosetted at the entrance felt that I had to make a donation rather than choose to which I would have done anyway. The interior is very grand with informative notices telling you about the history.
Best of all they don't have an entrance fee. I hope that this appeals to people's good nature and they leave more in the donation boxes.

This place has everything, interesting stories, amazing interior, some of the Staffordshire Hoard, magnificent size and stature, beautiful stone, and the chance to pray. When we went to the Chapter House to see the hoard the man on duty was brilliant; he knew so much, and could put things into context. I hope he is there when you go

Nearby is 'Cafe in the Close'
"Wow" what a fantastic place to visit the windows in the place are totally amazing so place make sure your camera is fully charged loaded and ready to shoot because you don't want to forget this place at all.
The rest of the Cathedral had so much history inside it you need to make sure you have plenty of time to enjoy to the full so you will be sorry.
There are some lovely shots to be taken just walking up to it so be ready or just go back and take that shot it's simply amazing.
We'll worth the time and effort and lots of nice walks and parks to enjoy too.
Postcard photos for anybody picture album so enjoy.
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