Lichfield Cathedral

4.8/5 based on 4995 reviews
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Intersesting Cathedral to visit and its free entry (donations requested). Saw some bits and pieces from the Staffordshire Hoard that are on display with a good description of what the pieces are and where to see more of it. Good free guide leaflet provided when you enter that gives a good insight into the history of the place.
It’s a beautiful cathedral and admission and is free unlike so many other places of worship were they charge you for admission always these places are pleading poverty and want to extort money from you even though most are built out of public subscriptions and get lottery grants
it goes against the Christian teaching to charge to enter a place of worship yet so many do Christians ignore this fact
we were so impressed that we left a donation
The ground that the cathedral sits in are not to clever and a bit of a let down
The stone carvings outside are wonderful and impressive unfortunately on the day visited it was raining but we may go back another day
Cathedral is huge. Does need a clean though. Easy walk along cycle route to find this. A bit of a landmark for this town. Some good historic walks also nearby.
What magnificent architecture. Went to Lichfield to have a look round as a few people at work said it was a nice place to visit. The first thing I will say is the the carparks are well signposted and not too expensive. The walk to the cathedral is nice, down a narrow street which then opens out to the precinct. We were welcomed by a guide who gave us a short but informative talk about the history of the building, I then bought a camera ticket (only £2) and we went to explore. All in all a great morning, the guides were friendly & knowledgable. Would recommend to anyone, even like myself with no interest in relgion.
I believe that it is important to take a few moments to appreciate the beautiful things in the world, this is one of them and one that you simply must visit. The stained glass windows are stunning and really worth a look!!!
As introduced in some brochures, it is a three spired medieval cathedral. Had a Monday off and went to Lichfield to relax myself, the cathedral was the second place to visit and didn't make me disappointed. The inside architecture may not be so much different from other cathedrals in England, but the sculptures and carvings of saints in the walls outside really make a difference, which are marvellous and worth a good look.
This is a magnificent cathedral with wonderful stonework and magnificent carving and statues. Much to see and admire
A large impressive building. Spent ages walking around. I always light a candle for relatives and friends who I have lost when I visit churches or cathedrals.
What a lovely Cathedral, it's what a cathedral should look like both inside and out. Well worth a visit.
Lichfield Cathedral is an impressive three-spired medieval cathedral, it is an incredible site and has a commanding view of Lichfield itself. The stone walls of the cathedral have been blackened over the years which gives the building even more presence.

On the outside there are over a hundred intricate carvings of Kings and saints. Inside the cathedral is cavernous with even more carved heads, there are over 400 cushions in the aisles to celebrate the parishes across the diocese.

There is a section that is dedicated to the Staffordshire Hoard where there are actual and replica pieces and interactive screens to give more background of the exhibition.

The cathedral is a must see for all of its varied and interesting history, Lichfield is also such a pleasant city and also easy to go to, definitely recommended.
Absolutely fascinating example of the English cathedral. Beautiful, steeped in history and sacred, - the atmosphere is wonderfully peaceful, and the craftsmanship on view is simply stunning. Could easily have spent all day here. We found all the staff we spoke to were polite, enthusiastic and very wiling to help. Wander to the other side of the lake and enjoy the views of the cathedral towers reflected in the water.
Absolutely beautiful place to visit. Would recommend the Cathedral and Lichfield in general for its character.
The cathedral is well worth a visit and the atmosphere inside is a wonderful feeling every step of the way around. There is a strong military and historical element and it is absolutely fascinating to see the books, displays and memorials. Wonderful place to visit !
Several parties of school children visiting when we arrived. Some of the cathedral staff were quite rude to them which I found a pity. Unfortunately this cathedral does not have the warmth and welcome that others manage. However, both members of staff in the bookshops were very helpful and polite.
Very helpful attendant, nice to look around but unable to go up in spires. A lot of the coloured glass has been removed for renovation, and so it has lost some of its glamour at the moment
Despite being heavily restored, and not in the first rank of English cathedrals, this one always repays a visit: impressive from without and with plenty charm and interesting detail within. Parking is easy: there's a cheap place almost opposite the west front, and it's even cheaper a hundred yards up the road by Beacon Park. This park is also excellent and a fine reward for the children for being patient in the cathedral.
One of many stunning mediaeval English cathedrals and well worth visiting Lichfield for this alone. There is a huge amount here of historical and architectural interest - I recommend taking a little pair of binoculars to make out all the details of the statues and carvings around the outside, and the stained glass inside. It is not at all touristy, so there is every opportunity simply to sit and enjoy the place. As always, if the Cathedral Choir is in residence (school term time) try to time your visit so you can hear Evensong.
The first thing you will notice about this cathedral is that it has three spires. It is the only Medieval English cathedral with this unique characteristic. That in and of itself makes this cathedral unique and different from any other. The architecture is Gothic. There is no entrance fee but an opportunity to donate for the upkeep of the cathedral is there at the entrance way. There were some volunteer guides in a few spots of interest throughout the cathedral that provided details and information. Many of the stained glass windows were being either cleaned or restored, but there were still others there to enjoy. A focal point for me was the sculpture of "The Sleeping Children" by Francis Chantrey. The sculpture is absolutely beautiful and worthy of the visit to the cathedral.
full of history and a good day out to enjoy learning,lots to look at and see full of history and information very interesting
Whether you are into achitecture or not, this is a fantastic and wonderous sight, the design and detail leaves you in awe of the skills and craftsmen of the day that cannot help but leave you thinking; Why can we not do this today (we all know its the money but the skills would be very difficult to locate). Lichfield is a beautiful and friendly place to be and many events in and around the Cathedral during the summer months. Well worth a visit.
Lichfield Cathedral is unique in its architecture and in its history. Its not as grand as Yorkminster, or even Westminster for that matter - but as the current host of some of the more interesting items from the Staffordshire Hoard it is well worth the time and effort to look around. It is worth looking at the website as well, because the Cathedral is often host to some excellent concerts and recitals.
This was one of the best cathedrals I have visited. The outside is stunning and very unique. Be certain to see the outside of the huge doors. They are an original feature and not to be missed!
The inside is dark and very moody in places, light and airy in others. It is a perfect contrast. It is incredibly beautiful! Be certain to peek in on the Staffordshire Hoard pieces on display!
If you are within 100km from here this is a must see. It's hard to even explain how striking it is with its individually carved statues adorning the exterior and magnificent sections inside.

Additionally,the town surrounding it is really cute.
Beautiful cathedral run by volunteers who were extremely helpful and informative. Getting to see a sample of the Staffordshire hoard and hear about how it was found and why it is thought it was there was very interesting
Although we don't live too far from this small Cathedral City, other than going to the Guildhall for concerts, we had never been to the Cathedral. On arrival we were greeted by a very pleasant lady who gave us a map & told us the best things to look out for. The outside is very impressive & although it looks as if the stone needs cleaning up we were told that it is made from sandstone & wouldn't stand up to sand blasting to clean it. Inside it is very grand but has a peaceful atmosphere and there was much to look at, including a small selection of the "Staffordshire Hoard" which was most interesting. The choir stalls have all been carved and there are many interesting memorials. Unfortunately the ancient Flemish stained glas windows have been removed, temporarialy, for refurbishment & won't be back until 2015 but that makes a very good reason to return.
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