Federation of Small Businesses

4.9/5 based on 593 reviews
Latest Reviews
Adele was a huge help, thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
Laura - who supported me through my hospital appointments, was so very kind, attentive and considerate. Laura checked on with me regularly after various appointments and supported me throughout.
Source: trustpilot.com
I am in my second year as a FSB member and have found them very helpful, after meeting my locan representative to explain how my products work he was able to make some introductions to people i would never have got to meet any other way
Source: trustpilot.com
I joined the FSB a few months ago. Since then, I've attended a number of workshops such as YouTube for Business, Social Media, Finding and Converting Leads, and Managing Time Productively. All of the workshops have been highly business focused and useful. I'm so glad to have joined the FSB, and I can't recommend the workshops highly enough.
Source: trustpilot.com
I used the FSB Care service today - excellent. The peace of mind it gave me is worth much more than the annual membership fee I pay.
Source: trustpilot.com
I recently needed some physio treatment following an accident.

Red Arc kept in continual contact with me - superb service.
Source: trustpilot.com
As a happy member of the FSB, I knew that my health & wellbeing is paramount to me being able to run my businesses, so approached the FSB about me needing some physio treatment.
I was put in touch with Red Arc & have started physio treatment with Muscle Therapy in Hazel Grove, Stockport at no cost to me.
I’ve also moved my bank account, the Co op offers free business banking to members of the FSB, which is also saving money.
I highly recommend a chat with the FSB, see how they can support you & your business.
Source: trustpilot.com
Very welcoming and professional people. A great team. Glad to meet everyone.
Source: google.com
Really enjoyed attending the in-person Devon and Cornwall Women's Conference. After over 2 years of networking online, it was so good to meet all these wonderful women face to face.
Great speakers, great company. Thank you Ness and Sue for organising
Source: trustpilot.com
Amazing networking events. The FSB is incredibly inclusive, with LGBT+ networking as well as disabled entrepreneurs networking. I whole-heartedly recommend them to all UK entrepreneurs.
Source: trustpilot.com
Really useful organisation for small business owners. As a not for profit organisation, their focus is on supporting small businesses across the UK
Source: google.com
I enjoyed the World Menopause Day National event, led by Sarah King, with input from a variety of interesting guest speakers. It was very informative and useful. I must add that I enjoy every FSB networking event I attend. It feels like one big supportive family where people encourage and support each other and do what they can to help. FSB is a great organisation, doing wonderful work for its members. Thank you.
Source: trustpilot.com
In February this year (2022) I was given notice to leave my business premises after 36yrs loyal trading on a business park now owned by a housing developer. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I wasn’t getting anywhere with the local council, nor with local councillors from any party. No one wanted to know and I was at my wits end. Then I remembered the FSB! I wasn’t a member at the time, but I had nowhere else to turn. One phone call and I signed up and spoke to a member of the legal team who gave me hope. A welcome call from FSB’s Simon Edmonds soon introduced me to a gentleman call Robert Downes, who fought like hell to get meetings with both council member and Bus. Pk owners. We thought we had a win, but due to the time taken by the Business Park Owners dragging their feet it was too little too late!

I could not have gotten so far without the continued help and support of the FSB.

I wanted you to know how much it meant to have your support through one of my darkest times.

Thank you once again!
Source: trustpilot.com
Oh what a fantastic way to spend an hour! The first half of this webinar was Joyce talking about her journey as a late diagnosed autistic woman. The rest was Q&A which resulted in lots of great examples of different ways of working and inclusion. If you go to the FSB website you can watch it for yourself before 120 days from 3 October 2022, I think.
So, the bottom line is that the FSB has such a lot to offer, on all sorts of subjects, and that's along side all of the obvious businessy benefits when you're running a small business. I love being a member.
Source: trustpilot.com
As part of my membership I have recently used FSB Care. I would recommend the FSB to a business owner that needs help and support.
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been a member for a while but until yesterday never really had the opportunity to fully grasp the wide range of benefits that FSB membership offers. I spoke to the most helpful and delightful person: Sarah King (thank you Sarah :-)) and I am now totally convinced that every SME needs to be a member!
Source: trustpilot.com
The services offered by FSB are unrivalled, truly a very cost effective and very useful resource.

Dave P.

Green Business Charter Ltd
Source: trustpilot.com
I have been a member of the FSB for several years. Initially I joined for protection with the HMRC investigation insurance. Then found out everything they offer, a great legal hub, business lobbying, debt collection and so much more. It is a fantastic organisation, which if you're a small business owner I would highly recommend.
Source: trustpilot.com
I attended another excellent webinar with the FSB yesterday. It was a free event, one of many they offer. I learnt a lot and came away highly inspired to put what I learnt into practice. I highly recommend them and would encourage others to check out their current calendar of events.
Source: trustpilot.com
Having been a member of the FSB for a few years, was reminded of the FSB care benefit earlier this year. After an initial chat and being quickly referred onto a nurse, she became my contact to oversee any treatment. Therapy sessions were quickly approved and arranged and were most beneficial.
Source: trustpilot.com
Having founded my company in January, I knew I needed to get the word out there to the UK business community, I asked myself how I would do this.

Having never networked before, I decided to do some research online and found the FSB. It seemed like a good place to start my networking journey and to spread the word about my company. So, I decided to sign up to some networking events to see how it would go. I was immediately felt very welcome by the FSB community and started attending more and more events throughout the UK. It was a great way to meet new people and discuss business with other like-minded people.

I was starting to receive great feedback about my company in the networking events, and it wasn't too long before I signed up my first client from an FSB event. Fast forward to September, having taken a few months off during the summer, I can now say I have signed up at least 20 clients through networking on FSB.

I feel very much appreciated that I have been able to meet so many new people through the FSB, and hopefully I have been able to help their businesses grow.

I want to thank everyone at FSB who have made me feel very welcome and have helped my business grow.

Business Owner
Source: trustpilot.com
Fantastic not for profit organisation supporting all sme's. Highly professional staff and very comprehensive. Would highly recommend becoming a member if you are not already!
Source: google.com
Excellent service providing unrivalled support to UK business's for a very modest cost. Some very well presented webinars as well as ongoing support.
Source: trustpilot.com
Anita was fabulous and guided me through the process and made it seem like a breeze, she was very thorough but not long winded. We are very excited about our new membership with FSB.
Source: trustpilot.com
Call received on time as pre booked.
very polite and informative call. Lots to offer and app to make life easier. Highly recommended.
Source: trustpilot.com
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