Lichfield Cathedral

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Spent all afternoon in the lovely Cathedral. it is only small but very oreinspireing. The guide was wonderful very knowlegable and full of tips which bought the place to life, I am sure she could have told us much more, but we were on a bus trip so had to leave on time. We walked throught the old town to the Cathedral whichb was like going back in time.When we were leaving the sun shone on the top of the spires and it was magical, you do not have to be a believer to appriciate the wonderful building and history.
We visited twice so much to see .the greeters at the door make you really welcome it worth a visit part of our history
Dropped in to see this magnificent Cathedral yesterday and found it fascinating. This building which dates back 1300 years actually stands on the ruins of two former churches, the first of which was founded by St Chad himself. In the Middle Ages this was a place of pilgrimage but over the years it has lost a little of that flavour.
The building made of warm red sandstone has had to be repaired many times over its long and somewhat varied history. Almost demolished by the Parliamentary forces in the civil war it rose from the ruins minus many of its treasures and had to be rebuilt several times. Even the Tudor age glass was not installed for several hundred years having been kept safe in a Flemish convent. The restoration is constant with much evidence if high level stone replacement. The niches at the west door house many statues that were remade in the later ages and contain a wonderful collection of saints, old Testament Prophets and various monarchs. The inside shows two things straight away. First this was built as two churches and later joined together...they are 'off line' with each other. And secondly this is very much an active centre of Christian worship and indeed the main mother church of the Lichfield Diocese.
There are many things to admire within the walls that bulge at the top until the original builder realised their error and removed the heavy stone roof that was forcing the walls out and replaced it with a wooden replica and added flying buttresses outside. The oldest relic is the St Chad Gospels, which while not being complete are a fabulous link with the seventh century church. On the day we went it was open at the end of Mark's Gospel written in beautiful latin. I understand that during its checkered history it was used by Welsh farmers to record land deals in the very earliest known written Welsh script. Also some of the famous Staffordshire Hoard is housed here. While controversy surrounds just how this treasure was pillaged after a battle and left buried for so long it is amazing to see it.
The choir of the Cathedral is very splendid although mostly victorian in execution. There is a locally sourced alabaster screen with some breathtaking carvings...note the angels trumpets and then think about how they were made. Angels figure throughout the building mostly either singing or playing musical instrument. They are everywhere, on screens, as sculptures, wall paintings, on roof bosses and in the glass of windows. They remind us of the principle activity in this Choir-schooled sacred space; the praising of God.
In all this complex splendour with its gemstones including local Blue John it is good to find a small chapel to sit and be quiet in. A place apart from the main building yet part of it, a place to sit and reflect upon the centuries of prayer and dedication, a place to dedicate oneself to the Saviour and offer prayers for others.
We will be back probably many times we hope as it is a special place, a Holy place, a dedicated place and above all somewhere that offers hope in our bleak world.
I have visited many of the cathedrals of England, but none of them can better St Chad's. It is a place that I have visited as tourist, as teacher with school group, and most often to worship.

The walk up from the town to the cathedral close is like stepping into a different world. Lichfield is a delightful place, and although a peaceful small city, the area around the close feels like it is a million miles from any town.

Walking to the main entrance allows the visitor to study the architecture in detail as you walk along the south side of the cathedral. I am always amazed to see the weathering of the statue of Charles II.

The glory of the cathedral is the west front, with its many statues. It is worth walking to the edge of the close to take in the full view.

Inside there is too much to describe here, from the recently restored windows to the many tombs. The most amazing tomb has a carving of two children, so life like that you almost expect to see them breathing.

For quiet prayer one cannot do better than the Head Chapel, a favourite spot of mine. Attending a service is beautiful experience. I felt my 30 minute drive home in the early hours of Christmas morning was well worth it for the chance to participate in the Midnight Eucharist.

The staff at the cathedral are friendly and very knowledgeable, and add to the experience of a visit.

There is a small gift shop in the cathedral and another opposite the main entrance (next to the Erasmus Darwin museum). Souvenirs range from pocket money prices to expensive, but are all of good quality.

A trip to Lichfield Cathedral will not disappoint.
We have been to Lichfield Cathedral many times and as we were in the city we decided to renew acquaintance. Unfortunately, we arrived at the start of Evensong; sat at the back as directed; contributed to the collection (we are Church-goers) and felt quite happy. However, when the service ended we wished to visit the shrine to Stephen, a boy from Burntwood who had cancer and recently died (in 2014).
As we moved forward, we were told to "Go back as the Bishop is talking to people in his congregation and you can't pass."
We did as we were told, but as a former Secretary of PCC and Choir member, I know that as long as the candles weren't lit (they weren't), we should have been allowed to proceed up the aisle as the Bishop was standing to one side, further up, speaking to a parishioner.
After visiting the shrine, we had an enjoyable time looking at the many delights of this ancient Cathedral- and after all, apart from our collection money this worth-while experience cost nothing!
However, if you want and even more enjoyable visit, I suggest either you avoid Service times altogether or arrive early to sit in the main area for it. I was very disappointed by the attitude of the sidesmen who appeared to think that as we'd arrived late, we were Philistines to be milked for a contribution and to be put down by their piety.
A large red sandstone cathedral with fascinating sculptures both on the exterior and interior, beautiful stain glassed windows
It has been a number of years since we visited & can highly recommend a visit during your stay in Lichfield. The only problem we had was parking as one car park was temp out of use. However, it was easy to find & we spent a very enjoyable time visiting & enjoying - will be back.
The outside of the cathedral was very elaborate and different from most that I have visited in the UK. It's always interesting to look around. This one was not remarkable except for some of the artefacts on display including items from the Staffordshire Hoarde. There was also a very ancient book on display which was fascinating, particularly given that we received some very detailed information from one of the volunteer guides who was very knowledgeable. I understand that there is a library upstairs, including a chain library section, which is not open to the public. The library in Winchester Cathedral was fascinating and it would be great if Lichfield would consider opening this to the public on occasions.
A delightful historic building as well as a place for quiet reflection. The guides are friendly and informative. No admittance fee and you do not feel under pressure to donate but I think most visitors do. I was lucky enough to hear some one playing the organ, I would love to go back a listen to a recital.
Probably one of the most elaborately carved facades. The windows and carvings a truly wonderful. Well worth the visit.
The building was a pleasure to visit and walk round. Staff were very helpful and ready to point out aspects of interest. There is some parking close to the cathedral but cannot be relied on.
You should consider the walk from the shopping areas to the Cathedral a bit much if disabled but not overly steep.
Great place to visit with lots of history and helpful knowledgeable people to share the story of the cathedral would highly recommend
The Cathedral is amazing. As West Midlanders we're very lucky to have such a place in our midst. Awe inspiring, however many times you visit.
You can't visit Lichfield and not call in to look around this amazing cathedral. Really helpful and knowledgeable staff willingly tell you all you want to know about the place.
My great grandfather fought at Lucknow and Sebastapol with the 82nd Regiment of Foot and I was delighted last year to find that a section in the Cathedral is dedicated to this campaign and there was the Union Jack which the Regiment would have held and which my great grandfather would have fought under. It was a very moving experience. I am a local and since finding the memorial, I take many friends to see that and so many other fascinating and historical points of interest in the Cathedral. Looking forward to seeing the new window. :)
A wonderful building full of history. Breathtaking stained glass windows, tomb carvings and beautiful altar cloths.
You won't be disappointed if you visit Lichfield and the wonderful Cathedral. The architecture and the atmosphere is amazing. The stained glass window, which has taken 4 years to refurbish is now back and is well worth the visit. Please don't just allow half an hour - take your time and look in all the nooks and crannies. It is so intricate.
We had the pleasure of showing some Canadian relatives around recently and they could not believe such a wonderful place is not included in all the tourist guides - It's just not on the tourist map. If we didn't live here they would never have seen it.
Beautifully located and a delightful Cathedral, the best part of which was the Dean announcing over the loud speaker that she would like the congregation to join her in silence and pray. (apparently this happens at noon every day) This was beautiful and you could hear a pin drop. This is the first time I have ever heard this but it would be a lovely practise for other Cathedral's to adopt.
the cathedral was impressive both inside and out . the view from across the river was spectacular. we also found there was a lot of staff inside and when approached were very informative
Possibly the most stunning building I have ever seen. I was in awe. If I hadn't been with small children I would have spent so much longer here. Free entry and they have an angel hunt for children and a children's corner which you can use. The entire cathedral quarter was beautiful and so well cared for. Lots of small car parks around with beacon park across the road and a beautiful lake on the same side as the cathedral; I loved it.
Please call in this beautiful church. The to town is lovely too . Really worth a visit. We have been here a few times .
Beautiful, tranquil, with lovely views by the river and around the town. It's one of my favourite cathedrals.
I have visited many cathedral's around the uk but is definitely one of the best. It is absolutely stunning.
Its not the biggest but it doesn't need to be.
I paid £3 for a pass so i could take photos and I'm glad i did.
Donations taken as they don't charge entry.

Definitely worth a visit.
This is such an impressive cathedral. The vastness and incredible architecture is amazing. There is access to pretty much every part including a trip up the towers at weekends and bank holidays....which we didn't do as there on the wrong day :-(

Definitely worth a visit if considering a day out in and around Lichfield.
I visited this stunning cathedral, late afternoon on Easter Saturday. I was blown over to hear the choir and orchestra in rehearsals for Mozart's Requiem in d minor, which was due to be performed that evening. The sound rising into the vast nave of this church was simply amazing. Husband and I visited the cathedral whilst enjoying the music all around . This is the way to visit such a place.......
As you would expect, this religious edifice is full of history, priceless treasures, amazing windows, and super carvings. The towers weren't open to visitors the day we were there.
Around the cathedral close are more beautiful houses and the school. There are some nice vantage points from Minster Pool.
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